Exodus 19:5
19×37 = 703 “And The Earth” Gen1:1B | 5 14 104 3848 Universe
Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My Voice and keep My Covenant, you shall be My Treasured Possession among all peoples; for the whole Earth is mine; וְעַתָּ֗ה אִם־שָׁמֹ֤ועַ תִּשְׁמְעוּ֙ בְּקֹלִ֔י וּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֖ם אֶת־בְּרִיתִ֑י וִהְיִ֨יתֶם לִ֤י סְגֻלָּה֙ מִכָּל־הָ֣עַמִּ֔ים כִּי־לִ֖י כָּל־הָאָֽרֶץ
The whole Earth is Mine לִ֖י כָּל־הָאָֽרֶץ
S 386 O 98 R 26 SV 50426 [ N50 383+43 | 4×26 YHWH 104 3848 ]
380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 | 3 4 3
= 3845 + △ = 3848 Universe
383 GLSN
David 14 × 7 = 98 × 35 Biblical Generation = 3430
1377 Universe Evolution | 1369[98]

Occasionally, I watch some of the messages from Jewish Synagogues posted online. I recently watched this one from Rabbi Leder at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple, a Reform Judaism Synagogue. I stopped watching, listening to the messages from Christian Churches a long time ago, after my complete exit from work and training in the waters of perverted pagan Christianity.
The Jewish Yeshua [ Jesus ], Son of David, The Spirit of David incarnated, also attended and taught in synagogues [ gatherings for Torah study. ]
“And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as was His custom, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and He stood up to read.” Luke 4:16-30
In his message, Rabbi Leder starts by stating that he will share the fundamental things he learned about Judaism, quickly moving to his first point: The Centrality of Israel. This immediately caught my attention and desire to watch and hear the rest of his message, for Israel is the Central Theme of our lives, the Central Theme of the Sacred Texts from Genesis through Revelation, The Cause of Building the Kingdom of God on Earth, which is the literal Kingdom of Israel.
“For he [ Abraham ] was looking forward to the city which hath foundations whose designer [ architect ] and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:10
Foundation 54 Occurrences in the KJV | Foundations 32 Occurrences in the KJV
54 × 37 = 1998 mi = Abraham’s Journey = Genesis 1:1 A
32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle
“The city had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates, the Names of the Twelve Tribes of the Sons of Israel were inscribed … And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb.” Revelation 21:12-14
The Rabbi then proceeds with the story of a wedding ceremony he would perform for a newly engaged Jewish couple. He then says that as he was going over the structure and content of the ceremony with them, the couple exclaimed:
“Rabbi, we get that when the ceremony says the people of Israel, it means the Jewish people. Because when these blessings were written, there was no State of Israel. But a lot of our friends are going to think you are going to talk about modern Israel. So, we would rather you not say ‘Israel’ in our ceremony.”
Rabbi Leder then goes on to express that the exchange with the newly engaged couple confirmed a terrible truth, and he says, “We are losing our children.”
Both the House of Judah and The House of Israel failed to raise generation after generation of Israelites with a very strong Israelite IDENTITY, with a solid understanding of the CAUSE to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Covenanted Israelites with the Spiritual Developmental Level in which, BORN FROM ABOVE, infused with the Life-Light of the Eternal Father [ YHWH ], they are guided into all TRUTH, including in the intuitive knowledge of who the CHOSEN BY YHWH [ Deuteronomy 17:15 ] Political King of Israel is; The King chosen by Heaven to uphold the Universal Laws of the Kingdom of Heaven, to lead Isaachians, Israelites, in the multigenerational process of continuing the work started through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; to lead in the the work of building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, which is the Literal Kingdom of Israel.
Matthew 2:2 “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship him.” The One Anointed [ Messiah, with the Christ Anointing ] to continue leading the PROJECT of Building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Jeremiah 33:17 “For thus saith YHWH; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the House of Israel;”
In Matthew 2:2 is the story of the wise men who knew about the previous incarnation of The Messiah, understood the times [ 1 Chronicles 12:32; Matthew 16:3 ], the prophecies, and knew the exact time and location in which a promised Son of David was born. That was part of the Truest Story on Earth, the previous phase, started more than 2026 years ago.
The Torah is an exact and scientifically accurate collection of Sacred Texts. The events of the Kingdom of Heaven, as also written in the Sacred Texts, are scientifically accurate events. Faithful Jews kept the Original Torah, the most important “Document” on Earth containing the Original Kingdom Covenants. This world must be grateful for the Jews who kept the Original Torah, Book of Covenants, … intact, in a world that hates Light and Truth.
I remember talking to a group of Christianity disciples, and as we were discussing the reality of the Sacred Texts, he asked me: “You don’t believe that those stories are literal stories, do you? They are allegories.”
Abraham literally journeyed from Ur, to Harran, to Zoan, forming a perfect 1998 miles triangle [ 54×37 ] equivalent to the Hebrew gematria value of the text in Genesis 1:1, part A: “At first created Elohim the Heavens.” Abraham’s literal journey from Zoan to Hebron, 193.77 miles, which is equivalent to the Genesis 1:1 part B text: “and The Earth.” 19×37 703. 19, Ordinal value for “And The Earth,” and 3×7×7 = 147 for “The Root of David” in Greek.
Before the exile of Judah in 422 BC [ John 4:22 ], there was no “Judaism” as the sects known today. After the dispersion of the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, as referred to by Yeshua as “The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel,” and the dispersion of other Jews [ Judah ] who also left the Main Center area, the understanding of the Sacred Texts, the beliefs, the collective practices of most Jews who remained in the Southern Kingdom of Israel, in Judah, was still centered in the Kingdom of Israel, in the firstborn Nation of Israel, in JeruSalem, originally created to be the Main Center of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
After the exile of Judah, without JeruSalem, without the Temple, the Rabbis reinterpreted the teachings of the Torah — adaptations — to fit into the new context of the Jews in exile. Judaism was then created similarly to the Judaism sects known today. Currently, Judaism, as a “mere religion” without the Centrality of Israel, of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, is also fragmented into four main groups, or sects: Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist.
Reform Judaism emerged first in the mid-19th century, followed by Conservative Judaism as a middle ground, then Orthodox Judaism solidifying its practices, and finally Reconstructionist Judaism developing in the early 20th century.
In his message, Rabbi Leder briefly talks about the flawed governments of the United States and of the State of Israel. But it is dumbfounding that as most Rabbis or leaders from the Christian side of “Judeo-Christianity”, as most individuals from both, House of Judah and Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, there seemed to be very little understanding and public acknowledgement that the current governments in both, the United States of America and in State of Israel, as well as in other Isaachian Nations, are violations of the Covenant with YHWH. The governments are BEASTS contrary to the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is a very basic understanding, as the Jew Daniel had and was explicit about it, which Jews from the House of Judah, and Isaachians from the House of Israel, should have. A very understanding which “Christians” who claim to worship the King Jesus of the Sacred Texts, the Messiah of a Kingdom which is not the BEASTS, should have, but they don’t. Their very “Christian” places of worship are violations of the Covenants with the Kingdom of Heaven. They are the “Golden Calves”, prostituted false religions misleading, deceiving Isaachians, teaching LIES.
Rabbi Leder then talks about the problem of Jewish hatred, and how even Jews engage in anti-Jewish rhetoric. He states the truth that Rabbis claim that the Second Temple in JeruSalem fell in the year AD 70 not because of the Romans, but primarily because of Jewish infighting — Jew against Jew — which is absolutely True.
Many Jews in the Southern Kingdom of Judah around that time became enlightened enough to discern and to receive The Light. In fact, most of the early believers in The Spirit of David incarnated in Yeshua, The Messiah, were Jews. But a significant number of Jews, including most in the leadership of the priesthood, were not enlightened enough to understand reality from a Higher Vantage point, including the Wisdom [ Chochmah ] to intuitively know, and the integrity to seek the Knowledge [ Binah ] about the previous time of visitation by The Light.
Genesis 1:1-5; John 1:1-5,6-11; Luke 19:44
The most anti-Jewish act against Jews was not performed primarily by non-Jewish people, it was performed by Jews. The most anti-Jewish act perpetrated by Jews that many Jews still have to acknowledge — the delivering of The Incarnated Messiah, Son of David, the One prophesied and recorded in the Sacred Texts, expected by the pious Jews adherents to the teachings of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings of the Sacred Texts, the incarnated Eternally Covenanted King of Israel, to be crucified by non-Jews, by the Romans. The Jewish leaders betrayed the Jewish people, the Kingdom of Israel, by betraying, by delivering YHWH’s chosen King, the Son of David, to be crucified by the Romans.
Isaiah 7:13 And he said, “Hear then, O House of David! Is it too little for you to weary men, that you weary my God also?”
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore YHWH HimSelf will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us shalom, and with His wounds we are healed.
Psalm 22:16 For dogs encompass Me; a company of evildoers encircles Me; they have pierced My hands and feet—
Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour out on the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on Me, on Him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over Him, as one weeps over a firstborn.
Luke 24:25 And He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
Luke 24:26 Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things before entering into His splendor [ before the fulfillment of the entire Vision ]?”
Luke 24:44 Then He said to them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”
Testament of Levi 16:1-5 “Now I have come to know that for seventy weeks you shall wander astray and profane the priesthood and defile the sacrificial altars. You shall set aside the Law and nullify the words of the prophets by your wicked perversity. You persecute just men: and you hate the pious; the word of the faithful you regard with revulsion. A man who by the power of the Most High renews the Law you name ‘Deceiver,’ and finally you shall plot to kill Him, not discerning His eminence; by your wickedness, you take innocent blood on your heads. I tell you, on account of Him your holy places shall be razed to the ground. You shall have no clean place, but you will be as a curse and a dispersion among the nations until He shall visit you, once more, and in compassion shall take you back.”
Matthew 26:47-[59]-68 “Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Yeshua that they might put Him to death,”
Jews delivered the incarnated Jewish Eternal King, The Spirit of David, to be crucified by the Romans — that was the main reason for the destruction of JeruSalem, The City of the Great King, Ezekiel 15-16, Matthew 5:34-35.
Luke 19:44 [ D-Day 1944 ] “They will tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
Many who know the story of the Kingdom of Israel know about the perversion of the Kingdom and of the Priesthood on the side of Judah. How King Solomon violated the Covenant with YHWH, building pagan temples, places of pagan worship, false priesthoods.
1 Kings 11:4–6 For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true to YHWH his Elohim, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of YHWH and did not wholly follow YHWH, as David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem. And so he did for all his foreign wives, who made offerings and sacrificed to their gods.
Many also know that the House of Israel, the Northern Kingdom was dissolved and dispersed primarily because of the perversion and prostitution of the Northern Kingdom and Priesthood by corrupt leadership. King Jeroboam, motivated by selfish political reasons, instituted two different places of false worship, Golden Calves, in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
1 Kings 12:25-33 “… And he set one in Bethel, and the other in Dan … He also made temples on high places and appointed priests from among all the people, who were not of the Levites … He went up to the altar that he had made in Bethel on the fifteenth day in the eighth month, in the month that he had devised from his own heart [ not from YHWH, Eternal King ]. And he instituted a feast for the people of Israel and went up to the altar to make offerings.”
As we look at the history of Isaachian Nations, after the incarnation of The Spirit of David on September 11, 3 BC [ 22 Elul 3758 ], after the crucifixion and ascension on April 1, 32 [ 14 Nissan 3792, the Day of the Passover, instituted in the Torah, as observed by most Jews ], with the growth of believers in the Messiah, and in the Message of the Kingdom of Heaven, the period of time after Yeshua was not very different from the times of Jeroboam’s Golden Calves, in terms of corrupt political and religious leadership.
The Message of Yeshua about the Kingdom of Heaven, was about the Authentic Kingdom of Israel as promised to Abraham, the Nation which began to be formed as a Kingdom through Moses, … the Kingdom of the first Golden Age of Israel during the time of David and Solomon, when the promise of building a Place for the NAME of YHWH Elohim was fulfilled [ Deuteronomy 12:10-11; 2 Chronicles 7:16 ].
After the crucifixion and ascension, as the Message about Yeshua, the Son of David, began to spread, and the number of believers in The Messiah, on His Message about the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven, The Kingdom of Israel, continued to grow, even after killing many believers in Yeshua, Rome could not suppress the growth, and Constantine, a pagan High Priest even unto his death, “Pontifex Maximus”, incorporated “Christianity” merely as one of the religions of the pagan Roman Empire.
An Authentic Conversion to The Messiah as King of Kings, and to the Kingdom of Heaven, the receiving of the Life-Light, of the Spirit, would mean that the Roman Emperor would have eliminated all pagan religions from the empire, and would have sought to adhere to the teachings of the Torah, to the Laws of the Kingdom of Heaven, as the House of Israel under the leadership of Jeroboam was also supposed to have done.
But Constantine’s “Christianity” was, unfortunately, a fraud. Like the pagan “Christianity” of the Anglican Monarchy is also a fraud. Like the “Christianity” of the United States’ beast leaders are frauds. Not the Authentic, Genuine “Christianity” of the Jesus, Son of David, King of the Kingdom of Israel, upholder of the TaNaK, Principles, Statutes, Commandments, … to build the True Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The counterfeit versions of Judeo-Christianity, or Judeo-Messianism, do not do the works of Abraham. “The works of Abraham,” John 8:39, by the Sons of Abraham, born from Above as Abraham was, and faithful to the Cause of building the Kingdom of YHWH on Earth.” Not just sons of Abraham in the flesh without the Spiritual Dimension, without the Unity with YHWH, and without the faithfulness to spread the True Message about the Kingdom of Heaven and to build YHWH’s Kingdom on Earth, as Covenanted Abraham was committed to doing, as he was looking forward to the City, JeruSalem, whose artchitect and builder is YHWH Elohim.
As the priesthood was also perverted in the Kingdom of Israel, in the time of Jeroboam and forward, the Roman Empire also perverted the teachings of the Sacred Texts.
As Jeroboam, motivated by selfish politics against Judah also created false traditions, the Romans, later forming the Roman Catholic Church, also created perverted laws and false teachings, including against the Jews, and against the Kingdom of Heaven, against Light and TRUTH. Perverted teachings, LIES, such as the concept that the “Old Testament” [ The Torah, The Prophets, and Writings; TaNaK; Luke 24:44; Matthew 5:17-20 ] is obsolete, to invalidate the truths and prophecies about the literal Kingdom of Israel, which includes the Jews, and the final triumph of Judah as the Center of the Kingdom of Israel [ House of Judah [ Zerah and Pharez ] and House of Israel Nations ] on Earth.
After making his point about Jewish hatred, and about how even Jews engage in anti-Jewish rhetoric, Rabbi Leder expresses that the single best thing to be done about this problem is to raise generation after generation of “great” Jews. That is part of the solution for the problem. We must raise generation after generation of great Jews, House of Judah, and of Israelites including the House of Israel Nations.
Continuing his message, Rabbi Leder talks about the Three Pillars of Judaism:
“We need Torah and so does the world.” the Rabbi said.
Israelites, Isaachians, need the Torah to build the True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, promised to and re-started through Abraham. This Kingdom is the ONLY TRUE hope for this world.
Genesis 17:6 “And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.” KJV
Genesis 22:18 “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed My Voice.” KJV
Genesis 26:4-5 “And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; Because that Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.” KJV
Luke 24:44 “And He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.” [ Torah, Prophets, and Writings; TaNaK ] KJV
“… every noble idea in Western Civilization, every decent thing you can think of, comes directly from the Torah …” Rabbi Leder
The Universe, the Whole Earth came into existence from the Torah. As it is said by Jewish sages, “When G-d wanted to create the universe, He looked into the Torah to create it,” meaning, He consulted the divine blueprint of creation that is embodied within the Torah text. Revelation 11:19
THE UNIVERSE “By faith we understand that the Universe was created by THE WORD OF GOD, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” Hebrew 11:3
The Rabbi then said that “We cannot stand without the Torah.” As a matter of fact, Creation cannot stand without the Torah, without the WORD OF GOD. Creation was created and is sustained by the WORD OF GOD.
- AVODAH: Work and Prayer. “To serve God.”
You are not the Uncreated Creator of the Universe, but “You are gods, you are Sons of the Most High.” Psalm 82:6. “Without acknowledging that there is a Power, a Oneness from which all things come and all things return, that there is a glory and a purpose and a meaning to existence, without that humility and awe, we cannot stand.” Rabbi Leder
Luke 4:8 “It is written, ‘You shall worship YHWH your Elohim and serve Him only'”
Deuteronomy 6:13 “Reverence YHWH your Elohim, serve Him only and take your oaths in His Name”
With the current governments, most Isaachians have been blindly serving the BEAST. With pagan Christianity, most Isaachians were serving pagan “Sunday” Mithra, not YHWH and the CAUSE of building the Global Kingdom of YHWH, of the King Jesus [ Jewish Yeshua ] Christian falsely worship, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
- GEMILUT HASADIM: Deeds of Loving-Kindness.
Rabbi Leder talked about Tikkun Olam, and how mere acts of kindness without TORAH, without AVODAH, is misguided.
“Finally,” said the Rabbi, “The Synagogue,” which is the place for gathering to collectively study, to learn THE WORD OF GOD, to “raise” True Israelites knowledgeable of Who God Is, of Who They Are, and of the Higher Purpose, CAUSE to build the Kingdom of Israel on Earth as it is in Heaven. Synagogues, as part of the Global Kingdom of Israel, teaching about the Kingdom of Israel, about the Centrality of Israel, the Center of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, with the True Temple of YHWH as the EpiCenter JeruSalem, the Eternal City, with a Chosen People of the Eternal City, center of the Global Kingdom.
Although the Jewish Jesus also grew up attending a Synagogue, JeruSalem, Israel’s Capital, was the EpiCenter.
Luke 2:22-40 “And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought Him to Jerusalem, to present Him to YHWH;”
Deuteronomy 16:16 “Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before YHWH thy Elohim in the place which He shall choose; in the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and in the Feast of Weeks, and in the Feast of Tabernacles: …”
Matthew 5:34-35 “Nor by the earth; for it is His footstool: neither by JeruSalem; for it is the City of The Great King.”
In a Synagogue, learning Truth about the Kingdom of Heaven, Isaachians also learn that the tithe, for instance, is to be taken to the One Legitimate Center place of Worship, a Sacred Place, the Center of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Unlike the lies of pagan Christianity, sandhouses of lies, running tax-exempt SCAMS, FRAUDS, misusing the Sacred Text to coerce or manipulate people to give tithes, offerings to their false centers, when it is meant to be for the Center of the Kingdom of Israel, to build the literal True Kingdom of Israel on Earth.
Deuteronomy 12:1-7 “But you shall seek the place that YHWH your Elohim will choose out of all your tribes to put His NAME and make His habitation there. There you shall go, and there you shall bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the contribution that you present, your vow offerings, your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herd and of your flock.”
Matthew 21:12 “And Jesus entered the Temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.”
21×12 Gelson 252 72 27 Fractal Pattern
Synagogues, not meant to be replacements for the Main Center Temple, are places to raise Israelites from the House of Judah and from the House of Israel. To raise generation after generation of Jews and of Israelites, restoring the identity of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, their lost IDENTITY and Higher Calling to assemble the Israeli Nations as the Kingdom of God on Earth, to return to the Kingdom Path.

Conversation with a Young Jewish Couple
During the past years, I had the chance to meet in person and to have conversations with several Isaachians from both “The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” as well as Jews from the House of Judah. Jews know they are Jews, although many do not know what to be a Jew really is. But most Isaachians, Israelites from the Lost Sheep of The House of Israel, have no idea they are Covenanted Israelites, descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, of the “Lost 10 Tribes of the House of Israel.” They are lost.
One brief conversation I had with a certain young adult Jew who was with his wife and their young baby boy at a coffee shop remained with me. As we talked, he told me about his experience growing up in a traditional Jewish family, and how he was radically excluded from his family, cut off from his inheritance, etc, for wandering outside of Judaism, as he was searching for unanswered questions. He shared with me that he was reading the book “Hearing God” by Dallas Willard, really curious about the idea of being able to converse with God. He also told me that the one of the main things that prompted him to search for answers to unanswered questions outside of Judaism was the fact that as he concluded reading the part of the story written in the Torah, there had to be a continuation, and he felt that Judaism was incomplete. Judaism was stuck in a past time of the development of the story, without the continuation, and without an “ending.”
This reminds all that Judaism, after the adaptations for the exiled Jews, also lost track of the continuation of the project of building the Literal Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the Kingdom of Israel. It failed to assimilate the reality of the Sacred Texts with the reality of the process of exile and return to the Main Center.
The God of the Sacred Texts, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, is the OmniPresent Life-Light which permeates and penetrates all the inner spaces of creation, closer than a breath. Covenanted Sons of God, Isaachians, can develop a conversational experience with the Life-Light. To perceive His OmniPresence, to “see” Him, and to “hear” God.
Jeremiah 29:13; 1 Kings 19:12; Isaiah 30:21; John 10:[27]
The Sons of Light, born from Above, John 3:3, know the Voice of the Life-Light, and they follow the Life-Light, wherever they are, through the phases of the 10,000 years project to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
As the Jewish young adult man was sharing his thoughts, I remembered how his words also echoed as part of my own story. When at a very young age, as I read the Sacred Texts, including the Books written after the incarnation of Yeshua, known as “New Testament,” the external reality in which most were living, in denial, didn’t seem that they were consciously connected to the story, and to the reality of the Sacred Texts. As a young boy, I was eager to gain a Unitive, Holistic understanding of the current reality of Isaachians on Earth, 100% in the light of the Truest Story on Earth, of the Overarching Kingdom of Heaven, of the Process to build the literal Kingdom promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
“Most know where most Jews are. But where did the Israelites from the Northern Kingdom go?” I wondered as a young boy while reading the texts. “Who and where are they, in this current phase of our story, the ones Yeshua specifically referred to as The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” I questioned. Questioning, as a young boy, but with an intuitive knowing of who they were, of who they are, which needed to be refined, tested, validated, confirmed, authenticated.
Matthew 10:6; 15:24; Luke 15:6; John 4:22; 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

The question about the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, was just one of many, which needed concrete, absolute, verified answers.
Conversation with a Jewish Young Man
I also remember talking to another young Jewish man during the past years. He told me how as he was growing up, from his experience, as he was exposed to the Christian side, it seemed like “individuals, teachers, leaders, were trying to shove down their dogmas into his throat, even if it didn’t make sense,” he said. On the Jewish side, he experienced a more open and investigative process in which he was exposed to the teachings, and given the room to question and to grow in the understanding of the Sacred Texts.
We talked about Yeshua. He knew about the crucifixion. I mentioned the TaNaK verses about the Messiah, such as the ones I listed at the start of this writing, and asked him for his thoughts, to which he replied: “It does seem to be pointing to the crucifixion of Yeshua.” But again, the “Jesus” character developed by Christianity is completely off and disconnected from the True Jewish Son of David who is an upholder of the TaNaK, which explicitly teaches that to “Love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart, soul, might,” also implies obeying His Commandments which have been perverted, violated, by Christianity which was immersed into paganism. Christianity doesn’t keep even the very basic Commandments of the Kingdom of Heaven:
Deut6:4 “Hear, O Israel: YHWH Elohim, YHWH Echad.” | “YHWH Your Gods, YHWH is One.”
Deut6:5 “You shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
Deut6:6 “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.”
Matthew 12:29-30 Jesus answered, “The most important is, Hear, Israel: YHWH your Elohim, YHWH Echad. And you shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
Exodus 20:1-8 [ Top Four of the Ten Commandments ]
- I AM YHWH your Elohim. Thou shall have no other gods before me.
- Thou shall not make graven images to worship, to serve. “… shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep My commandments.”
- Thou shall not take the NAME of YHWH your Elohim in vain.
- Remember the SABBATH and KEEP IT HOLY.
Exodus 31:13 “You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, YHWH, sanctify you.”
Conversation with an Older Israelite Couple
I also remember having a conversation with an older couple from Switzerland. As most from the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, they had no idea they were Covenanted Israelites descendants from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. We talked about how Judeo-Christianity is almost completely dead in Europe. As we talked about the Sacred Texts, the older gentleman expressed his unbelief, like most Western Europeans who’ve already abandoned the faith: “How can anyone believe it?” He said. “It is so old, so archaic.”
It was a highlight to me about how Christianity failed to uphold the True Old, Eternal Truths, not living and showing how the Truths of the Sacred Texts are Eternal and Forever relevant: The scientifically accurate fractal pattern of the evolution of the Universe in Genesis 1, for instance; The True Temple as a fractal pattern of the Universe, as a Microcosm of the Macrocosm Universe; The patterns to build the True Center of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; etc.
Christianity’s old pagan houses of worship and old false traditions unrelated to Creation truly are irrelevant and worthless, as well as the new sandhouses of lies completely unrelated to the Kingdom of Israel, to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The same way that the first atom to form in the Universe, 380,000 years after the Big Bang, approximately 13,776,620,000 years ago, the Hydrogen Structure, is still relevant and used in modernity, to power cars, for example, likewise, the Eternal Torah is still very relevant today, as it will be used to rebuild the True Microcosm Kingdom Center on Earth.
“Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the Kingdom of Heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is New and what is Old.” Matthew 13:52
The True Old, and the True New, united and coherent with the True Old.
When I think about the Majestic Temple, the House of YHWH built by King David and King Solomon, started on 832-833 BC, inaugurated on 827 BC, it was the most relevant, modern building, built according to the Original Patterns, as the most advanced for that time in history.
832-833 BC
2812 years before GCCR 1979
1979 – 832 = 1147 GCCR
28×12 = 336 YHWH Elohim 112×3
827 BC
2806 years before GCCR 1979
1979 – 827 = 1152
28×06 = 168 3×7×8 378 ΓΚΈΛΣΟΝ
The TaNaK gives an overview of the story of the formation of the Firstborn Nation of Israel, The Kingdom of Israel, with the 12 Tribes, after return from Egypt. It also gives an overview of the dispersion of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, also referred to as the House of Israel, and of the exile of the House of Judah. It also tells the story of the reassembling of the Kingdom of Israel with both Houses, as well as the return of Israel, of Isaachians, to the Main Center land, when The Land will again be HeartMath+ married to the True Kingdom of Heaven.
The Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation give overviews of the process of deconstructing the non-Kingdom-of-Israel governments, BEASTS, to be replaced with the Kingdom of Heaven. Daniel also talks about the fragmentation of the GOAT into the four winds of heaven, mere k-w-m-l patterns without the Kingdom of Heaven EKIKPK-KWML.
The BEAST government is on the lowest bipolar level, the bipolar feet of the BEAST.
Pagan Christianity is vanishing from Isaachian Nations.
“For the children of Israel shall dwell many days without [ legitimate ] king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod [ legitimate priesthood ] or even household gods [ paganism ]. Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek YHWH their Elohim, and David their king, and they shall come in reverence to YHWH and to His goodness in the latter days.” Hosea 3:4-5
We are at an interesting point in the unfolding of the story of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The time for the reassembling of Isaachians as a Kingdom, and of the annihilation of the BEAST government. Daniel 2:34-35,44-45
We need to recast the Enlightened, Unitive, Holistic, Integrated, True, … Worldview/Vision of the Kingdom of Heaven for Earth.

In the True Kingdom of Israel, YHWH, King of the Universe, is the Eternal King. King David, Son of Adam, Son of YHWH, as a viceroy of YHWH, executes the Will of YHWH, the Will of Heaven for Earth.
To be an Israelite, is to be part of the Covenanted Chosen People, created by YHWH to collectively be the Microcosm Center of the Universe on Earth, to uphold the Order of Heaven for Earth. To be the Salt and the Light of the Earth.
The Duality. Son of Adam, Son of God: As one studies the life of David, of Solomon, of Yeshua, one can see the duality, Son of God, Son of Man [ Adam ].
David, as Son of God, expressing how the Spirit of YHWH speaks through Him:
2 Samuel 23:2 “The Spirit of the LORD speaks by me; his word is on my tongue.
David, in his prayers, psalms, as the Son of Adam, talking to the Spirit of YHWH:
Psalm 8; Psalm 104; Psalm 110
Yeshua, as Son of Adam, Son of YHWH, talking to the Eternal Father:
Matthew 26:39,42; John 17
The Father speaking through Yeshua:
John 6:63, John 14:7,8,9; John 10:30
When I was a lot younger, I remember having the deep desire to be in a place in which there would be leaders, elders, sages, who had this deep sense of Unity, relationship with The True God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, as leaders of younger men, Wise and Knowledgeable about the Kingdom of Heaven, able to guide the younger in the Truest Cause on Earth, on the Journey of Building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. I was partially very conscious about the fact that I was surrounded by counterfeit versions of spirituality.
Partially, because as we are younger, many times the Son of Adam still growing as the Son of YHWH, as one can see illustrated in the part of the multigenerational life of David recorded in the Sacred Texts, how David was not totally aware about Sauls’ nature, youngsters still have an inclination to want to have wise leaders and sages. That inclination can sometimes be a blindspot, keeping the youngsters from seeing the fallacy of many false leaders.
David and Saul’s Context: Saul was in the main leadership position of the Kingdom of YHWH on Earth, which we don’t have today. He was anointed, as a Messiah, with the Kingship Anointing, and he lost it. He was rejected as king forever by YHWH. Younger David, was still unconscious, in denial, about the fact that Saul was possessed by evil, and was trying to kill him.
1 Samuel 18:20-21 “Now Saul’s daughter Michal loved David. And they told Saul, and the thing pleased him. Saul thought, “Let me give her to him, that she may be a snare for him and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him.””
The recorded story shows how it took a while for David to wake up from denial about Saul. It was only after the confirmation from Jonathan, that David finally realized that he had to escape Saul’s presence, temporarily exile from the Kingdom of Israel, for Saul was consumed with darkness, trying to kill younger David, the True Anointed King of Israel forever.
Today, it is not as difficult, in many aspects, as it was for David during that phase, for it is very clear that we do not have a True Center on Earth, the Kingdom of YHWH on Earth. We don’t have the legitimate Priesthood on Earth. Political leaders are bipolar BEAST leaders, unconscious and disconnected from the Cause of the Building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, obviously not Kingdom of Heaven leaders, and religious leaders are leaders of “Golden Calves”, COWS, GOATS, fragmented false priesthoods.
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to most younger Isaachian Men, still in developmental phases in which they need leadership of Wiser Leaders to guide them on the multigeneration Eternal Kingdom Cause, the ONLY ONE truly worthy of their lives and efforts.
Today, we see that when our young men enlist in our militaries, for instance, with a wholehearted desire to serve a cause greater than themselves, the overarching political leadership misleading our militaries are blind and disconnected from the Overarching Kingdom Vision to build Isaachian Nations as the True Kingdom of YHWH on Earth. So, our young men are, many times, sent to fight blind wars for causes other than the True Kingdom Cause. Many were sent to die in wars which were not for the Great Cause, and many return only to struggle at home, with even more struggles they face while at war.
In the U.S. for example, the military is divided into Catholics, Protestants, … Nones, … and the political leaders, bipolar Republicans or Democrats.
When I was younger, understanding the bigger picture, that Judeo-Christianity was going through a process of deconstruction from Catholicism, I assumed that I would find leaders who were committed to TRUTH, that would complete the process of deconstructing the GOAT, restoring the Original, Genuine, Authentic, teachings of the Sacred Texts. I assumed that I would find political leaders who would understand the deconstruction of the BEAST and would be statesman as Daniels, for instance, knowledgeable about the process, including understanding of the phase in which finally annihilated the PROSTITUTE. But as I continued to pay close attention to the politics of our nations, it was very obvious that they were clueless about having a Clear Vision, Purpose, Direction, to lead our nations, our people, in the Right Path.

We need to give a clear Kingdom Worldview/Vision to the younger generations of Isaachians, so our people, militaries, leaders, can be consciously united with the process of purging GOAT religions from our Nations, with the process of defeating the BEAST, final annihilation, and with the reassembling and rebuilding of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Daniel 2:44-45 “And in the days of those kings the God of Heaven will set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the Kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever, just as you saw that a stone was cut from a mountain by no human hand, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold. A great God has made known to the king what shall be after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure.”
GCCR 1147 1148 1149
The Spirit of David
The Secret King of Isaiah Nine Six
6999 Words, 31887 Letters
6999 + 31887 = 38886
888 ΙΗΣΟΥΣ in 36
6×9×9×9 = 4374 | 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
4 × 3 × 74 [ 73+37 ] = 888 ΙΗΣΟΥΣ
4×37×4 592 GELSN 384+208 RCH
3×1×8×8×7 = 1344 = 3×448
31 EL ×37 = 1147 GCCR
8×8×7 = 448 Gelson Felsen
3×1 × 4×4×8 = 384 GELSN
6×9×9×9 × 3×1×8×8×7 = 40,310,784
40+310+784 = 1134 = 3×378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
Standard: 2617394
Ordinal: 395294
Reduction: 174272
Latin: 2408974
Squares: 5833216
Fibonacci: 1641272
The House of YHWH | הבית יהוה
Hebrew Standard: 443 = 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ + 65 ΚΛΕΙ
Hebrew Ordinal: 65 ΚΛΕΙ
Hebrew Full Name: 888 ΙΗΣΟΥΣ
Rabbi Leder’s Message from the Wilshire Boulevard Temple: