Der Eisenhans

Kingdom of Israel; HOJ&HOI

“On this mountain YHWH of Armies will make for all peoplesa feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined. And He will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever; and YHWH Elohim will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of His people He will take away from all the earth, for YHWH has spoken.” Ish25:6-8

Es war einmal ein König, der hatte einen großen Wald bei seinem Schloß; darin lief Wild aller Art herum. Zu einer Zeit schickte er einen Jäger hinaus, der sollte ein Reh schießen, aber er kam nicht wieder. “Vielleicht ist ihm ein Unglück zugestoßen,” sagte der König und schickte den folgenden Tag zwei andere Jäger hinaus, die sollten ihn aufsuchen; aber die blieben auch weg. Da ließ er am dritten Tag alle seine Jäger kommen und sprach: “Streift durch den ganzen Wald und laßt nicht ab, bis ihr sie alle drei gefunden habt!” Aber auch von diesen kam keiner wieder heim, und von der Meute Hunde, die sie mitgenommen hatten, ließ sich keiner wieder sehen. Von der Zeit an wollte sich niemand mehr in den Wald wagen, und er lag da in tiefer Stille und Einsamkeit, und man sah nur zuweilen einen Adler oder Habicht darüber hinwegfliegen. Das dauerte viele Jahre; da meldete sich ein fremder Jäger bei dem König, suchte eine Versorgung und erbot sich, in den gefährlichen Wald zu gehen. Der König aber wollte seine Einwilligung nicht geben und sprach: “Es ist nicht geheuer darin, ich fürchte, es geht dir nicht besser als den andern, und du kommst nicht wieder heraus.” Der Jäger antwortete: “Herr, ich will’s auf meine Gefahr wagen; von Furcht weiß ich nichts.” Der Jäger begab sich also mit seinem Hund in den Wald. Es dauerte nicht lange, so geriet der Hund einem Wild auf die Fährte und wollte hinter ihm her; kaum aber war er ein paar Schritte gelaufen, so stand er vor einem tiefen Pfuhl, konnte nicht weiter, und ein nackter Arm streckte sich aus dem Wasser, packte ihn und zog ihn hinab. Als der Jäger das sah, ging er zurück und holte drei Männer, die mußten mit Eimern kommen und das Wasser ausschöpfen. Als sie auf den Grund sehen konnten so lag da ein wilder Mann, der braun am Leib war wie rostiges Eisen und dem die Haare über das Gesicht bis zu den Knien herabhingen. Sie banden ihn mit Stricken und führten ihn fort in das Schloß. Da war große Verwunderung über den wilden Mann; der König aber ließ ihn in einen eisernen Käfig auf seinen Hof setzen und verbot bei Lebensstrafe, die Türe des Käfigs zu öffnen, und die Königin mußte den Schlüssel selbst in Verwahrung nehmen. Von nun an konnte ein jeder wieder mit Sicherheit in den Wald gehen.

Der König hatte einen Sohn von acht Jahren, der spielte einmal auf dem Hof, und bei dem Spiel fiel ihm sein goldener Ball in den Käfig. Der Knabe lief hin und sprach: “Gib mir meinen Ball heraus!” – “Nicht eher,” antwortete der Mann, “als bis du mir die Türe aufgemacht hast.” – “Nein,” sagte der Knabe, “das tue ich nicht, das hat der König verboten,” und lief fort. Am andern Tag kam er wieder und forderte seinen Ball. Der wilde Mann sagte: “Öffne meine Türe!” Aber der Knabe wollte nicht. Am dritten Tag war der König auf Jagd geritten, da kam der Knabe nochmals und sagte:”Wenn ich auch wollte, ich kann die Türe nicht öffnen, ich habe den Schlüssel nicht.” Da sprach der wilde Mann: “Er liegt unter dem Kopfkissen deiner Mutter, da kannst du ihn holen.” Der Knabe, der seinen Ball wieder haben wollte, schlug alles Bedenken in den Wind und brachte den Schlüssel herbei. Die Türe ging schwer auf, und der Knabe klemmte sich den Finger. Als sie offen war, trat der wilde Mann heraus, gab ihm den goldenen Ball und eilte hinweg. Dem Knaben war angst geworden, er schrie und rief ihm nach: “Ach, wilder Mann, gehe nicht fort, sonst bekomme ich Schläge.” Der wilde Mann kehrte um, hob ihn auf, setzte ihn auf seinen Nacken und ging mit schnellen Schritten in den Wald hinein. Als der König heimkam, bemerkte er den leeren Käfig und fragte die Königin, wie das zugegangen wäre. Sie wußte nichts davon, suchte den Schlüssel, aber er war weg. Sie rief den Knaben, aber niemand antwortete. Der König schickte Leute aus, die ihn auf dem Felde suchen sollten, aber sie fanden ihn nicht. Da konnte er leicht erraten, was geschehen war, und es herrschte große Trauer an dem königlichen Hof.

Als der wilde Mann wieder in dem finstern Wald angelangt war, so setzte er den Knaben von den Schultern herab und sprach zu ihm: “Vater und Mutter siehst du nicht wieder, aber ich will dich bei mir behalten, denn du hast mich befreit, und ich habe Mitleid mit dir. Wenn du alles tust, was ich dir sage, so sollst du’s gut haben. Schätze und Gold habe ich genug und mehr als jemand in der Welt. ” Er machte dem Knaben ein Lager von Moos, auf dem er einschlief; und am andern Morgen führte ihn der Mann zu einem Brunnen und sprach: “Siehst du, der Goldbrunnen ist hell und klar wie Kristall, du sollst dabeisitzen und achthaben, daß nichts hineinfällt, sonst ist er verunehrt. Jeden Abend komme ich und sehe, ob du mein Gebot befolgt hast.” Der Knabe setzte sich an den Rand des Brunnens, sah, wie manchmal ein goldener Fisch, manchmal eine goldene Schlange sich darin zeigte, und hatte acht, daß nichts hineinfiel. Als er so saß, schmerzte ihn einmal der Finger so heftig, daß er ihn unwillkürlich in das Wasser steckte. Er zog ihn schnell wieder heraus, sah aber, daß er ganz vergoldet war, und wie große Mühe er sich gab, das Gold wieder abzuwischen, es war alles vergeblich. Abends kam der Eisenhans zurück, sah den Knaben an und sprach: “Was ist mit dem Brunnen geschehen?” – “Nichts, nichts,” antwortete er und hielt den Finger auf den Rücken, daß er ihn nicht sehen sollte. Aber der Mann sagte: “Du hast den Finger in das Wasser getaucht. Diesmal mag’s hingehen, aber hüte dich, daß du nicht wieder etwas hineinfallen läßt!” Am frühesten Morgen saß er schon bei dem Brunnen und bewachte ihn. Der Finger tat ihm wieder weh, und er fuhr damit über seinen Kopf, da fiel unglücklicherweise ein Haar herab in den Brunnen. Er nahm es schnell heraus, aber es war schon ganz vergoldet. Der Eisenhans kam und wußte schon, was geschehen war. “Du hast ein Haar in den Brunnen fallen lassen,” sagte er, “ich will dir’s noch einmal nachsehen; aber wenn’s zum drittenmal geschieht, so ist der Brunnen entehrt, und du kannst nicht länger bei mir bleiben.” Am dritten Tag saß der Knabe am Brunnen und bewegte den Finger nicht, wenn er ihm noch so weh tat. Aber die Zeit ward ihm lang und er betrachtete sein Angesicht, das auf dem Wasserspiegel stand. Und als er sich dabei immer mehr beugte und sich recht in die Augen sehen wollte, so fielen ihm seine langen Haare von den Schultern herab in das Wasser. Er richtete sich schnell in die Höhe, aber das ganze Haupthaar war schon vergoldet und glänzte wie eine Sonne. Ihr könnt euch denken, wie der arme Knabe erschrak. Er nahm sein Taschentuch und band es um den Kopf, damit es der Mann nicht sehen sollte. Als er kam, wußte er schon alles und sprach: “Binde das Tuch auf!” Da quollen die goldenen Haare hervor, und der Knabe mochte sich entschuldigen wie er wollte, es half ihm nichts. “Du hast die Probe nicht bestanden und kannst nicht länger hier bleiben. Geh hinaus in die Welt, da wirst du erfahren, wie die Armut tut. Aber weil du kein böses Herz hast und ich’s mit dir gut meine, so will ich dir eins erlauben. Wenn du in Not gerätst, so geh zu dem Wald und rufe: ‘Eisenhans!’, dann will ich kommen und dir helfen. Meine Macht ist groß, größer als du denkst, und Gold und Silber habe ich im Überfluß.”

Da verließ der Königssohn den Wald und ging über gebahnte und ungebahnte Wege immerzu, bis er zuletzt in eine große Stadt kam. Er suchte da Arbeit, aber er konnte keine finden und hatte auch nichts erlernt, womit er sich hätte forthelfen können. Endlich ging er in das Schloß und fragte, ob sie ihn behalten wollten. Die Hofleute wußten nicht, wozu sie ihn brauchen sollten, aber sie hatten Wohlgefallen an ihm und hießen ihn bleiben. Zuletzt nahm ihn der Koch in Dienst und sagte, er könnte Holz und Wasser tragen und die Asche zusammenkehren. Einmal, als gerade kein anderer zur Hand war, hieß ihn der Koch die Speisen zur königlichen Tafel tragen, da er aber seine goldenen Haare nicht wollte sehen lassen, so behielt er sein Hütchen auf. Dem König war so etwas noch nicht vorgekommen, und er sprach: “Wenn du zur königlichen Tafel kommst, mußt du deinen Hut abziehen!” – “Ach Herr,” antwortete er, “ich kann nicht, ich habe einen bösen Grind auf dem Kopf.” Da ließ der König den Koch herbeirufen, schalt ihn und fragte, wie er einen solchen Jungen hätte in seinen Dienst nehmen können; er sollte ihn gleich fortjagen. Der Koch aber hatte Mitleiden mit ihm und vertauschte ihn mit dem Gärtnerjungen.

Nun mußte der Junge im Garten pflanzen und begießen hacken und graben und Wind und böses Wetter über sich ergehen lassen. Einmal im Sommer, als er allein im Garten arbeitete, war der Tag so heiß, daß er sein Hütchen abnahm und die Luft ihn kühlen sollte. Wie die Sonne auf das Haar schien, glitzte und blitzte es, daß die Strahlen in das Schlafzimmer der Königstochter fielen und sie aufsprang, um zu sehen, was da wäre. Da erblickte sie den Jungen und rief ihn an: “Junge, bring mir einen Blumenstrauß!” Er setzte in aller Eile sein Hütchen auf, brach wilde Feldblumen ab und band sie zusammen. Als er damit die Treppe hinaufstieg, begegnete ihm der Gärtner und sprach: “Wie kannst du der Königstochter einen Strauß von schlechten Blumen bringen? Geschwind hole andere und suche die schönsten und seltensten aus!” – “Ach nein,” antwortete der Junge, “die wilden riechen kräftiger und werden ihr besser gefallen.” Als er in ihr Zimmer kam, sprach die Königstochter: “Nimm dein Hütchen ab, es ziemt sich nicht, daß du ihn vor mir aufbehältst.” Er antwortete wieder: “Ich darf nicht, ich habe einen grindigen Kopf.” Sie griff aber nach dem Hütchen und zog es ab, da rollten seine goldenen Haare auf die Schultern herab, daß es prächtig anzusehen war. Er wollte fortspringen, aber sie hielt ihn am Arm und gab ihm eine Handvoll Dukaten. Er ging damit fort, achtete aber des Goldes nicht, sondern er brachte es dem Gärtner und sprach: “Ich schenke es deinen Kindern, die können damit spielen.” Den andern Tag rief ihm die Königstochter abermals zu, er sollte ihr einen Strauß Feldblumen bringen, und als er damit eintrat, grapste sie gleich nach seinem Hütchen und wollte es ihm wegnehmen; aber er hielt es mit beiden Händen fest. Sie gab ihm wieder eine Handvoll Dukaten, aber er wollte sie nicht behalten und gab sie dem Gärtner zum Spielwerk für seine Kinder. Den dritten Tag ging’s nicht anders: Sie konnte ihm sein Hütchen nicht wegnehmen, und er wollte ihr Gold nicht.

Nicht lange danach ward das Land mit Krieg überzogen. Der König sammelte sein Volk und wußte nicht, ob er dem Feind, der übermächtig war und ein großes Heer hatte, Widerstand leisten könnte. Da sagte der Gärtnerjunge: “Ich bin herangewachsen und will mit in den Krieg ziehen; gebt mir nur ein Pferd!” Die andern lachten und sprachen: “Wenn wir fort sind, so suche dir eins; wir wollen dir eins im Stall zurücklassen.” Als sie ausgezogen waren, ging er in den Stall und zog das Pferd heraus; es war an einem Fuß lahm und hickelte hunkepuus, hunkepuus. Dennoch setzte er sich auf und ritt fort nach dem dunkeln Wald. Als er an den Rand desselben gekommen war, rief er dreimal ‘Eisenhans’ so laut, daß es durch die Bäume schallte. Gleich darauf erschien der wilde Mann und sprach: “Was verlangst du?” – “Ich verlange ein starkes Roß, denn ich will in den Krieg ziehen.” – “Das sollst du haben und noch mehr als du verlangst.” Dann ging der wilde Mann in den Wald zurück, und es dauerte nicht lange, so kam ein Stallknecht aus dem Wald und führte ein Roß herbei, das schnaubte aus den Nüstern und war kaum zu bändigen. Und hinterher folgte eine Schar Kriegsvolk, ganz in Eisen gerüstet, und ihre Schwerter blitzten in der Sonne. Der Jüngling übergab dem Stallknecht sein dreibeiniges Pferd, bestieg das andere und ritt vor der Schar her. Als er sich dem Schlachtfeld näherte, war schon ein großer Teil von des Königs Leuten gefallen, und es fehlte nicht viel, so mußten die übrigen weichen. Da jagte der Jüngling mit seiner eisernen Schar heran, fuhr wie ein Wetter über die Feinde und schlug alles nieder, was sich ihm widersetzte. Sie wollten fliehen, aber der Jüngling saß ihnen auf dem Nacken und ließ nicht ab, bis kein Mann mehr übrig war. Statt aber zu dem König zurückzukehren, führte er seine Schar auf Umwegen wieder zu dem Wald und rief den Eisenhans heraus. “Was verlangst du?” fragte der wilde Mann. “Nimm dein Roß und deine Schar zurück und gib mir mein dreibeiniges Pferd wieder!” Es geschah alles, was er verlangte, und er ritt auf seinem dreibeinigen Pferd heim. Als der König wieder in sein Schloß kam, ging ihm seine Tochter entgegen und wünschte ihm Glück zu seinem Siege. “Ich bin es nicht, der den Sieg davongetragen hat,” sprach er, “sondern ein fremder Ritter, der mir mit seiner Schar zu Hilfe kam.” Die Tochter wollte wissen, wer der fremde Ritter wäre, aber der König wußte es nicht und sagte: “Er hat die Feinde verfolgt, und ich habe ihn nicht wiedergesehen.” Sie erkundigte sich bei dem Gärtner nach dem Jungen; der lachte aber und sprach: “Eben ist er auf seinem dreibeinigen Pferde heimgekommen, und die andern haben gespottet und gerufen: ‘Da kommt unser Hunkepuus wieder an.’ Sie fragten auch: ‘Hinter welcher Hecke hast du derweil gelegen und geschlafen?’ Er sprach aber: ‘Ich habe das Beste getan, und ohne mich wäre es schlecht gegangen.’ Da ward er noch mehr ausgelacht.”

Der König sprach zu seiner Tochter: “Ich will ein großes Fest ansagen lassen, das drei Tage währen soll, und du sollst einen goldenen Apfel werfen. Vielleicht kommt der Unbekannte herbei.” Als das Fest verkündigt war, ging der Jüngling hinaus zu dem Wald und rief den Eisenhans. “Was verlangst du?” fragte er. “Daß ich den goldenen Apfel der Königstochter fange.” – “Es ist so gut, als hättest du ihn schon,” sagte Eisenhans, “du sollst auch eine rote Rüstung dazu haben und auf einem stolzen Fuchs reiten.” Als der Tag kam, sprengte der Jüngling heran, stellte sich unter die Ritter und ward von niemand erkannt. Die Königstochter trat hervor und warf den Rittern einen goldenen Apfel zu, aber keiner fing ihn als er allein; aber sobald er ihn hatte, jagte er davon. Am zweiten Tag hatte ihn Eisenhans als weißen Ritter ausgerüstet und ihm einen Schimmel gegeben. Abermals fing er allein den Apfel, verweilte aber keinen Augenblick, sondern jagte damit fort. Der König war bös und sprach: “Das ist nicht erlaubt, er muß vor mir erscheinen und seinen Namen nennen.” Er gab den Befehl, wenn der Ritter, der den Apfel gefangen habe, sich wieder davonmachte, so sollte man ihm nachsetzen, und wenn er nicht gutwillig zurückkehrte, auf ihn hauen und stechen. Am dritten Tag erhielt er vom Eisenhans eine schwarze Rüstung und einen Rappen und fing auch wieder den Apfel. Als er aber damit fortjagte, verfolgten ihn die Leute des Königs, und einer kam ihm so nahe, daß er mit der Spitze des Schwertes ihm das Bein verwundete. Er entkam ihnen jedoch; aber sein Pferd sprang so gewaltig, daß der Helm ihm vom Kopf fiel, und sie konnten sehen, daß er goldene Haare hatte. Sie ritten zurück und meldeten dem König alles.

Am andern Tag fragte die Königstochter den Gärtner nach seinem Jungen. “Er arbeitet im Garten; der wunderliche Kauz ist auch bei dem Fest gewesen und erst gestern abend wiedergekommen; er hat auch meinen Kindern drei goldene Äpfel gezeigt, die er gewonnen hat.” Der König ließ ihn vor sich fordern, und er erschien und hatte wieder sein Hütchen auf dem Kopf. Aber die Königstochter ging auf ihn zu und nahm es ihm ab, und da fielen seine goldenen Haare über die Schultern, und es war so schön, daß alle erstaunten. “Bist du der Ritter gewesen, der jeden Tag zu dem Fest gekommen ist, immer in einer andern Farbe, und der die drei goldenen Äpfel gefangen hat?” fragte der König. “Ja,” antwortete er, “und da sind die Äpfel,” holte sie aus seiner Tasche und reichte sie dem König. “Wenn Ihr noch mehr Beweise verlangt, so könnt Ihr die Wunde sehen, die mir Eure Leute geschlagen haben, als sie mich verfolgten. Aber ich bin auch der Ritter, der Euch zum Sieg über die Feinde verholfen hat.” – “Wenn du solche Taten verrichten kannst, so bist du kein Gärtnerjunge. Sage mir, wer ist dein Vater?” – “Mein Vater ist ein mächtiger König, und Goldes habe ich die Fülle und soviel ich nur verlange.” – “Ich sehe wohl,” sprach der König, “ich bin dir Dank schuldig, kann ich dir etwas zu Gefallen tun?” – “Ja,” antwortete er, “das könnt Ihr wohl, gebt mir Eure Tochter zur Frau.” Da lachte die Jungfrau und sprach: “Der macht keine Umstände! Aber ich habe schon an seinen goldenen Haaren gesehen, daß er kein Gärtnerjunge ist,” ging dann hin und küßte ihn. Zu der Vermählung kam sein Vater und seine Mutter und waren in großer Freude, denn sie hatten schon alle Hoffnung aufgegeben, ihren lieben Sohn wiederzusehen. Und als sie an der Hochzeitstafel saßen, da schwieg auf einmal die Musik, die Türen gingen auf, und ein stolzer König trat herein mit großem Gefolge. Er ging auf den Jüngling zu, umarmte ihn und sprach: “Ich bin der Eisenhans und war in einen wilden Mann verwünscht, aber du hast mich erlöst. Alle Schätze, die ich besitze, die sollen dein Eigentum sein.”

On The True Path …

Friday, September 8, 2023 12²
22-23 Elul 5783 [ 30-31 ]

The stars aligned, paths were crossed
I saw in your eyes that The Way was lost
Personal dreams I left on the shelf
Multidimensional battles for The Twelve

There were victories, there were scars
You, lost in Venus, I was Enlightened in Mars
Sacrifices for unspeakable Agape, for Love
Battles to bring back to Earth, The Dove

Love making in high altitudes
Mars flying on fire, heart burning desire
Newtonian distances were hardly walls
In Winters, Springs, True Summers and Falls

The hope you would also see
Beyond the fleeting shadows in your mind
Unlike most who are lost in the shadows
A Sea of Meaning, Light, Truth you would find [ Jhn4:13,[14],15 ]

Destiny, part of the wonder of it all
When souls in the True Path meet
The moment eyes meet the eyes
With a feeling sweeping off one’s feet

It’s for Love we fight for the Kingdom
With Light, Love the Universe was made
It is with Joy and Love we’ll rule the Earth
Without Light, Blue and Green that galaxies fade


“How blessed are your wives,
How blessed are your officials,
Who continually stand before you
and hear your wisdom! …
Because of YHWH’s Eternal Love for Israel,
he has made you king to maintainjustice and righteousness.” Saba’s Queen
1Ki10:8-9 BST/LXX • 2Chron1:10 • Matt8:16

“Quantum Entanglement” is an extraordinary, counterintuitive [ for unenlightened “newtonian” beings ] phenomenon that shows how multiple subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Connection on Unitive Eternal Level, above current Earthly “Space and Time” configuration.

There is no True Love without Truth. There’s no Truth without True Love. True Blue and True Green are One with the Quantum Life-Light.

“YHWH Elohim, YHWH Echad.”

Fragmented false blue, false green, false orange, false red, false yellow … are mere darkness.

As True Sons of Uncreated Father, Life-Light, we keep our hearts and minds “Above the Clouds.” Higher than anything on Earthly realm, Creation, is a feeling of deep unspeakable joy, aliveness, which also gives depth and true meaning to what’s below.

“You [ YHWH ] make known to me the Path of Life; in Your Presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” King David, Ps16:11

YELLOW and yellow

Few highlights contrasting unenlightened yellow [ + ◉ – ] ▼ with Enlightened Yellow part of Kingdom of Light, ✡ 卍 [ △▽ □ ↻]

On Three Dimensions:
Light/Spirit: Eternal
Soul: Internal
Body: Physical World
“As in Heaven, on Earth” ✡ △▽

The Four Faces of Ezekiel 1

The main patterns of Isaiah 9:6

From SuperMind, White-Life-Light, Overarching Kingdom Worldview, we don’t see life as a chaotic organism, like the “random evolution” theorists, for example. We see it as it is, Orchestrated Evolution, per Intelligent Fractal Patterns, Principles of the Eternal Life-Light.

Chaos on Earth, for example, are the making of free-will beings disconnected from Creative Ordering Light, YX, Father-King, YHWH, Root, who’ve turned away from the Path of Righteousness, Integrated Original Creative Ordering Blue Center, one with the whole, with the Beginning, Foundation, one with the Future, Goal, Outcome of the Creative Ordering Process — Earth from Genesis to Revelation, for instance.

37 x 73 = △ 2701 [ Genesis 1:1 ]
64 Pre-9.11.3BC Books + 27 Post = 73

“I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Rev22:13

Unlike unenlightened yellow mere integration of “head, heart and gut feeling,” we are One with the Creative Ordering Source, and instead of mere action from freedom to “think and and act from an inner-directed core [ IK>PK ], Mtt6:33, we seek to think and to act from Union with extrapersonal directed core [ Eternal Center, YHWH, … EK>IK>PK ]

We have an instance of the Extrapersonal Core within us. Thus, we are Sons of YHWH. Jhn10:30

“I AM in the Father and the Father is in me;” Jhn14:11

Acts13:22, “a man after the heart of the Eternal Father-King, who is wise and mature enough to use free-will to serve and to obey the Perfect Will of the All-Wise OmniScient One.” “… for the Father [ Uncreated Life-Light, YHWH, Root ] is greater than I.” Jhn14:28; 10:30

How do you recognize the absence of Enlightened Yellow?

E.g., Washington, stuck with a false blue system, blind, disoriented, disorganized, unenlightened mere rationalization, fanaticized and fantasized fragmented yellow patterns from below, totally unaware of Overarching Kingdom of Heaven’s Worldview, Reality, Vision, Path, Patterns, Process, Truth, Direction, …

E.g. The dellusion of trying to solve climate change with fragmented untrue laws, fragmented unenlightened science only.

Unlike unenlightened yellow “experience of freedom and change as a constant,” in which “today, all may be all right, but tomorrow everything needs to change,” Enlightened Yellow’s changes, “innovation,” are coherent with the Creative Ordering Evolution. It is consistent with the Unchanging Eternal Foundation.

E.g., Sabbath is Eternal, part of the Original Unchanging Patterns of Creative Ordered Evolution, upon which change, progress, is built, on top of the Original Foundation, “Eternal Rock,” unlike unenlightened yellow houses built on sand.

E.g., The “Evolutionary Phase” of the unfolding of the True Kingdom on Earth process, the appearing and incarnation of YHSWH, His Naming, the unfolding of His work, revelations contained in the Post 9.11.3BC Books [ 27 NTBs ], etc, are all consistent with the Revelation in the 46 OTBs; Rom3:31.

E.g., Sand-house Catholicism, disconnected and untrue to Eternal Root, Rock, changed the Eternal Original Principles, Patterns, … and all the changes made by the “YHWH-less”, “Kingdom-of-Heaven-less” splits and fragmentations that gave birth to the daughters of the “false church Mother Whore” are mere sand-houses, destined to be eliminated FOREVER, Mtt15:13.

Unenlightened Yellow: Organize work based on values instead of based on goals.

/ ↑ \ Goals are part of the organization of Enlightened Yellow, One with the Creative Ordering Process from Above. E.g., the Goal of the 10,000 Years Corrective and Creative Ordering Process on Earth is to build an Eternal Center “on Earth as it is in Heaven,” unlike mere castles-in-the-air, for the Legitimate Kingdom/Priesthood destined to govern the Earth.

Unenlightened Yellow refuses labels.
See how the KWML patterns are correctly LABELED.
Innovation is fully compatible with Labeling.
True Creative Ordering Evolution, Innovation, also uses LABELS.
YHWH is an Eternal Living Creative Ordering “LABEL”, Living and Breathing Structure upon which Evolutionary Creation happens.
To change Abram’s destiny, bringing it into alignment with YHWH’s Reality, Plans, Goals, … father Abram was “relabled” as Abraham.
But unlike the rigidity of false or unenlightened closed blue, the Creative Ordering Process is open to contingencies within Overarching Higher Level Fixed Framework, Processes, … in order to achieve Overarching Intended Outcome.

It has a clear concept of the Future, e.g., Rev21-22 New Jerusalem, per Original Principles, Patterns, … Rev11:19, consistent with the Root, Universal Creative Ordering Patterns.

Isaachians: 12² | 777,600,000² | 1.6B | 20/80

“It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed — … And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Revelation 21:12,14

Unenlightened Yellow: “Critical, curious without judging and keep asking questions.” From the Light, Supermind: Critical, Curious and Righteous Judgment. [ E.g. “My judgment is not my own …” YHSWH ]

“You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. Yet even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father [ EK>IK>PK ] who sent me.” Jhn8:15-16

Enlightened Yellow also receives “ideas” intuitively, from the Creatively Ordering Light, consistent with Root, Foundation, … True Past, Present, Future.

Unlike unenlightened Yellows who “Get bogged down in complex analysis. Builds castles in the air; inventing beautiful futuristic solutions, which are not pragmatic. Not able to finish something because there’s always something new that requires attention. Everything is criticized and made more complex instead of doing what actually needs to be done. At times, Yellow may seem cold and distant as it sometimes forgets to connect to people (because of its enthusiasm).”

The analysis of complex patterns with Enlightened Yellow, highlights “simplicity” in the patterns [ e.g. description: ]. Instead of building castles in the air, the ideas are “practical”. It innovates and builds on an existing Eternal Foundation, to “FINISH” that which is absolutely True, Real, and Eternal, e.g., from Genesis to Revelation.

The complex analysis that sees the “simplicity” of real patterns leads to action focused on what really needs to be done. For example, the analysis of the “beasts” in Light of True Eternal Kingdom of Heaven patterns highlights what must be done correctly, unlike those with blind mere actions or inactivity.

Enlightened Yellow also feels One with the whole, connected to the Uncreated Life-Light and Creation, at different degrees and levels, of course.

Integrated [ Purple ]
Enlightened Yellow have feelings for “True Traditions”, not false traditions, Mrk7:6-9,13
It clarifies and leads to [20]/80 correct and focused action, instead of ▼80% action, mere unenlightened business, activities, with little results. E.g. Restoring Truth in a few decades, vs., false churches, mere activities which have not restored truth in hundreds of years of false “freedom of religion.”

Integrated [ Red ]
Enlightened Yellow “Listens to the Life-Light, … Visioneers, idealizes, studies, strategizes, selects, strikes.”

Integrated [ Blue ]
Enlightened Yellow incorporates discipline, and disciplined and principled “change”, innovation, compatible with Foundation, Overarching Direction, True Creative Ordering Path.

Integrated [ Orange ]
Enlightened Yellow connections are consistent with Foundational Overarching Patterns, scientifically verifiable, validated, practical.

Integrated [ Green ]
Enlightened Yellow is one with the Whole, but from Above, deeper than “mere unenlightened green” waters. One with the whole at different degrees and levels. “YHWH Elohim. YHWH Echad.” E.g. [20]/80 Pyramid

. . .

Enlightened Yellow, One with White-Life-Light, is critical in a healthy, sharp, open-minded, and constructive way. Destructive [ Enlightened Red ] when appropriate. The Enlightened Warrior destroys what must be destroyed.

One with Uncreated Life-Light.
One with the Eternal Kingdom and Cause.

Imagination is not more important than knowledge. One with Source of True Imagination, it is also one with True Knowledge. Unlike, Ho4:6, Ezk13.

Unlike unenlightened yellow’s value system, “There are no facts,” for Enlightened Yellow, “There are facts.”

Unenlightened Yellow is Axisless, YX, YHWH-less. Jhn17:6,[26]

False YHWH-less governing center, Kingdom-of-Heaven-less misleading labels:

The Prince’s Blacklist

Eve of 8 of Av, 5783 [ 33 ]
Eve of 26 of July, 2023 [ 22 ]

1966 [ 22 ] TAS △▽ “As Above So Below”

AAA 262626 Pi position 788169 [ 12; 3 ] אאא

326 [ 11 ] Pi position 434 [ 11 ]

[ 20 ] String 1356 appears at the 41,807th decimal digit of Pi.

[ 20 ] string 1966 appears at the 2,918th decimal digit of Pi.

Whiter then Thomas Edison’s light
Deeper than Crimson

Red, White, Black [ White Light ]

No, you could never be timeless
   But you can be forever
Like the eternal beauty I see in your eyes
   As the yunger you in front of the blue lights

‘Cause beauty, without time,
   The dynamics that inspires you
      to write and to play your songs
   You’d cease to exist
Without that which breaks things into parts
   so you can be on the right side of my blacklist

Beauty, it was only after time,
   when our story began
Genesis, you were made, split from me,
In a timeline, that’s when you came to be,
   That’s when you came back to me

Timely, you can also move through
      space and time
   As I do in my heart and with my mind
As the time I went back in the clock of years
   to see you when you were only thirteen
Semi erasing a foolish mistake I made
   back in the year two thousand and three

I sheltered you with my heart
   from that day on and forever more
You lived without the unnecessary
   heartache you poured into a song
Our creativity was exponentially greater
   And you had found the space you belong
   You’ve found where you belong

For I wished you never had to be in the darkness
   wondering where it all went wrong
Like a Machiavellian schemer
   working so hard for artificial love
Denying truth, wearing a circus mask
   hiding behind your desk,
   hoping for true love

But those lessons are important as well
   We keep those semi erased mistakes’
      memories for now
As trophies, as medals hanging in a wall
   Magnifying the memory of a grander future,
      in our restored Kingdom,
      the splendor of it all
Greater Victory after 10,000 years from the fall
   Yes, magnifying the splendor of it all
Greater Victory after 10,000 years from the fall

More appreciation for hotter fires
      of a cooler Heaven
   After being though some cold fires in hell
As we will have after the war,
   existing in hypertime
Unscreened Eternity of Eternities’
   in a much brighter Light

No, you could never be timeless
but you can be forever, as I AM

No, you could never be timeless
   But you can be forever
Like the eternal beauty I see in your eyes
   As the older you filled with water and wine

Like in one of my favorite songs from you,
   Bottled, five minutes, twenty one seconds long
As the moment I came home from a war
   As in the picture in your Timeless song
Like the moment I went back in time
   When you’ve found where you belong

We eliminated the wolves to free your soul
   New Temple, a Palace, they made you whole
We eliminated the wolves to free your soul
   New Temple, a Palace, they made you whole

No you could never be timeless
But we can be forever and ever without end


“The days are coming … I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right on Earth … Judah will be sozoed, Israel [ Nations ] will be made whole. He’ll be called: YHWH is our Righteousness.” Jrm23;33; Gn17:6 #KingdomCovenants

26 [13+13] 15 Eärth, עוֹלָם 11

25-[26] Tammuz 5783; 14-[15] July 2023

Path of Eternity [ Light ] on the Eternal Rock [ Truth ]

The Mountain of YHWH 777,600,000² [ 9² ]

YH[S]WH[11]; Eternal King [ אֲדֹנָי 11 | עַד 11 ]
326 [ 26 26 26 ] 8 8 8

“Seek first the Kingdom of G-d,
and His [ 8 ] Righteousness …” E.K., Mtt6:33

✡︎ Will of Heaven for Earth
“Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven.”

△ Kethor in Malchut
▽ Malchut in Kethor

△ Heaven
A 26; 8 | 01.[01].3759
A 26; 8 | 26.[02].5740
A 26; 8 | 15.[03].5750
▽ Earth

15 x 3 = Ps45
15 x 3 x 5750 = 258,750

15.9.5750 [ 32 ] Ecclesiastical
“With 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom …” Sefer Yetzirah | One who can become as Lady Wisdom, Prv8-9, if …

Born ten years from the year I was born
Reflection from approximately ten years ago


Remember in the shadows of your mind
You wanted to live that ‘Beautiful Dream’ Day
“David-Joseph” was fighting YHWH’s battles
Pursuing a Greater Reality that will Forever stay

For why live passing shadows build sand castles
In a world building sinking houses on sand
When The Day can last for Eternity of Eternities
Built on the Rock that will Forever stand

For if we don’t strive to turn the tide
Away from the path our fathers have been
Our children’s children will sink in chaos
That Day could be just a mere dream

But if you choose the Path that leads
To where l’ll be when the veil is removed
You can stand in the Light, Forever by my side
In a Greater Reality you’ll always be loved

From that window of time, ten years ago
You’re sure becoming much more beautiful
For in the Light there’s nothing you need to hide
For the Light will also beautify your soul

✡︎Ps45 ß4卍

“Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from G-d, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Rev21:1,2,3 [9]

“… and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to El [ אֵ֣ל ] …” Ps78 [15]

“On this mountain YHWH of Armies will make for all nations a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined. And he will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever; …” Ish25:6-8 [21]

[ 9² ]



G El Son

“War is an art …”
The German Art of War

“Afloat and all at sea, the stars align in threes
They’re so fine and free, in blue, and in green
Like leaves on endless trees
Come climb the sky with me
Come hear and come to see
Melody in perfect symmetry
In Love, in Light, in Key …”

Golden Ratio creative ordering spiral; mirrored:

As always … over, above, beyond …

End of a Summer; Start …

“He answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”

Matthew 15:2-3

“Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:

“‘“You will indeed hear but never understand,
and you will indeed see but never perceive.”
For this people’s heart has grown dull,
and with their ears they can barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed,
lest they should see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
and turn, and I would heal them.’

But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

Matthew 13

Encoded Part of “Davidic” Strategy:

“So it is true.” Boromir

“Then the prophecies of the old songs have turned out to be true, after a fashion!” said Bilbo. “Of course!” said Gandalf. “And why should not they prove true? Surely you don’t disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself?

“You don’t really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit? You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!” J. R. R. TOLKEIN, THE HOBBIT

And they shall live with His face in view, and that they belong to Him will show on their faces. Darkness will no longer be. They will have no need of lamps or sunlight because God the Lord will be radiant in their midst. And they will reign through the ages of ages. REV. 22:4–5


Multidimentional Warfare | Rev11:19; 19:11
20 Sivan 5783; June 9, 2023

The one who was cast out of Heaven, …

“And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan [ Beelzebub ], THE DECEIVER OF THE WHOLE WORLD—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” Rev12:9

The blood of the Lamb who was slain can purify the inner vessels, temples, souls of Isaachians who turn wholeheartedly to the △ Eternal King, YH[S]WH, from all guilt, shame, uncleanness, … freeing them from all accusations by the prince of darkness [ + ◉ – ]▼, enabling them to be refilled with Light, YHWH, causing them to walk in the Statutes of YHWH, “Sabbath” [ not referring to mere Judaism sects ], unlike the self-deceived by Baal, Mithras’ Sunday religious cults who misuse the Sacred Texts and continue to do the works of darkness. All those still deceived by the serpent, blind, in denial, unclean, will be judged.

“YHSWH said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say, ‘We see,’ your guilt remains.” Jhn9:41; Mtt7:23ESV

In an upside down world deceived by the kingdom of darkness, “group think” from lower centers of patterns, e.g. “Sunday” Christian cults, are also against the Sons of Light, Sons of YHWH. Jhn15:18,25

Filled with darkness, they don’t recognize the Sons of Light, like when blind Jerusalem couldn’t perceive her “Time of Visitation,” Lk19:44, and they also persecute those from the Kingdom of Light, for the Truthful Sons of Light are threats to their LIES, activities under the ▼ realms of darkness.

We need a place on the Mountains of Israel, set-apart from [ + ◉ – ]▼, directly under the △ Overarching Rule of Heaven, YHWH, to begin the process of reassembling Isaachians as One Kingdom; conscious Warfare to continue, complete the dissolution, defeat, removal of the beasts from Isaachian Nations first.

Isaachians always had the contingent option not to abandon the True Kingdom Path for adaptation to the patterns of beasts. We have to reverse the error, free Isaachians, reassemble the Kingdom, in order to restore Creative Order, fight the battles united with the Kingdom of Heaven.

Sidenote: As I’ve demonstrated with data proving the patterns to the blind, the U.S. Gov, for example, is an upside down Kingdom-of-Heaven-less 20/[80] [ + ◉ – ]▼ pyramid, the bipolar feet of the beast level; like all else in Secred Texts, the deception, the influence of the kingdom of darkness, … “the multidimentional warfare is real.”

Roch | Rock

“As you looked, a rock was cut out by no human hand, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and clay [ + o – ], and broke them in pieces.” Dan2:34

“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever, just as you saw that a stone [ Rock ] was cut from a mountain by no human hand, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold. A great God has made known to the king what shall be after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure.” Dan2:44-45

“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” 118:22

The journey of the lineage of Judah Zerah and Judah Pharez [ Our German Jewish Family, from both sides ] is unfolding.

“Before the boy knows how to refuse the bad [ wrong path | + v – ] and choose the ‘right’ [ Eternal Kingdom Path, / ↑ \ ], the land whose two kings you abhor will be laid waste.”

Jews, Jutes [ Germanic Tribes, Isaachians ], including those from the line of Judah-Zerah, moved to Northern Germany, Jutland, Danmark, … long before the split and fall of the Firstborn Isaachian Nation. King Zedekiah’s daughter. Zedekiah had two daughters. One was named Tea-Tephi, and the other daughter was named Tamar-Tephi. Both of these princesses were put in the guardianship of Jeremiah the Prophet. God preserved the Royal Seed of David, by transporting the King’s Daughter to Ireland. In Ireland Judah-Pharez married Judah-Zerah.

The three overturns of the Kingdom

David was of Judah-Pharez through his mother. YHSWH was of Judah-Phrarez through his mother. The promise to the lineage of “David” is also kept through the mother. The overturns of the crown from the Judah-Pharez line, and the reemergence from the Judah-Zerah/Pharez line.

Gen 37 starts with the story of Joseph, HOI, continued on 39-50, paused on 38[11] for story of Judah, birth of Pharez, HOJ, and Zerah, HOI/J, 38:27-30. Pharez reigned first, “Afterward, his brother came out with the ‘scarlet thread’ on his hand …”

Science and Magic

Friday, 2 Nisan 6783 | March 24, 2023

A simple numerical poem made for my favorite nerd.


Select one of the numbers in the five cards [ A, B, C, D, E ] in your mind. Without communicating what the chosen secret number is, send the sequence for the number, indicating if the secret number is on a white or black square in each card, and I will know the secret number. Example: For the number 29, the sequence is, A BLACK, B BLACK, C BLACK, D BLACK, E WHITE.

Can you know the numbers for the three sequences on the last card “WHAT ARE THE NUMBERS?”

“YHWH is our Sun and Shield.” King David

The Prince/King’s Queen/Princesses

Multidimensional Multifaceted “Climate Change”, Enoch LXXX 2-8

“Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea [ mere waters, Rev17:15, unlike Rev21:6 ] was no more. And I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Rev21-22

King David, marrying the “Twelve Tribes” wasn’t just mere politics. 1Chrn14:3. “Marrying the land …” [ “HeartMath+” with Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, for those who don’t understand interconnectedness of all things, at different quantum levels, degrees. ]

The King and Kingdom Center serves as a Microcosm of the Macrocosm Creation [ Heaven and Earth ] “On Earth as it is in Heaven.”

/ ↑ \

“… I gave you your master’s house and your master’s [ previous king’s, Saul’s ] wives into your arms and gave you the House of Israel and of Judah. And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more.” 2Sam12:8 • Centered growth.

King Solomon understood the wisdom of doing so, of marrying the princesses, the multidimentional multifaceted dynamics, for more than just mere political reasons. But “mere human wisdom” got in Solomon’s way of the relationship with YHWH, he went beyond YHWH’s “enlightened, wise, true, principles, commandments,” in terms of doing what disconnects from the “Root.” Not to be repeated, as Judah’s Shua relationship with the Canaanite is also not to be repeated. [ Non-Covenanted Isaachians: Ezra9-10; Nhm13:23-30 ]

How The Mighty Fall [ ]

We have to rebuild the True Kingdom on Earth.

Like intentional “soul-work” has to be done, not mere intellectual knowledge about it, as many talk about the Sacred Scriptures but don’t live it, the work to build the Kingdom has to be done, the work to move Isaachian Nations from “feet of Dan2 Statue” [ + v – ] to “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.” / ↑ \.

“It is the glory of Elohim to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” Prv25:2

The Covenanted Isaachian, a maturing Wise-Prince [ King, ] growing on the / ↑ \ Eternal Kingdom of Heaven’s direction, also shows “The Way”, Truthful Meaning, as exemplified in the Book of Proverbs, to the Isaachian Nations, princesses [ queens ] whom he chooses to do so.

He shares the “Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven,” Matt13:11, with those who are not foolish enough, but with boundaries, cultivating the “interior Garden of Eden,” are wisely “open” to let in what must be kept in, to take out what needs to be kept out. Wise enough to use the free-will to “seek first”, Mtt6:33, the “Right Treasure”, Mtt13:44-45, …

[ ✡︎Ps45 ß4卍 ] SS3:1-5, Jrm29:13, …

The Bride’s Dream:

On my bed by night
   I sought him whom my soul loves;
      I sought him, but found him not.
I will rise now and go about the city,
      in the streets and in the squares;
   I will seek him whom my soul loves.
      I sought him, but found him not.
The watchmen found me
      as they went about in the city.
   “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”

With those who are ready for more than mere [ + v – ] “skin on skin,” [ ], not deceived by mere fleeting shadows, by the “visible things only.” The ones who make an Eternal Covenant with YHWH [ Unlike: “She forgets the Covenant of her Elohim.” Prov2:17 ]. Those who willingly do the “soul work” to grow as a wise-queen, fit for the Prince/King.

“Do not reprove a scoffer, or that person will hate you; reprove a wise person, and that person will love [ respect ] you. Give instruction to a wise person, and that person will be still wiser; teach a righteous person, and that person will increase in learning. The fear [ reverence ] of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” Proverbs 9:7-10

He also shows The Way to tested allied nations. 1Ki10LXX.

“The Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins … Five of them were foolish and five were wise …” Matt25:1-13

The Prince, Wise-King with “the heart of David,” with the growing “Wisdom and Knowledge of King Solomon”, in other words, of the Eternal Father King, YHWH, David/Solomon’s True Father, “My Father”, [ 1Chr22:10; 28:6 ], “paints the picture” of the Sacred City of the Wise King, City of Righteousness, and explains the character of the wise and queenly soul of Mount Zion, True JeruSalem City, to his princesses, Isaachian Nations.

As an Isaachian Daughter of YHWH, a City Queen, as the King, she “belongs” to YHWH Elohim, and she belongs to the king like Lady Wisdom, Prov8-9, belongs to the Holy One.

Microcosm of the Macrocosm

/ ↑ \

“… Mount Zion, in the far north,
   the city of the great King. …
Within her citadels YHWH,
   has made HimSelf known as a fortress …
Walk about Zion, go around her,
   number her towers,
consider well her ramparts,
   go through her citadels,
   that you may tell the next generation
      that this is YHWH,
   our Elohim forever and ever.
      He will guide us forever.” Ps48

There’s David, there are Sauls, Ahabs, …
   there are Daniels,
   there are king Nebuchadnezzars,
   there are bipolar politicians of the “beast” …

The Princess is not a “Daniela,” nor bipolar politicians who can’t see beyond the bipolar dynamics [ + v – ], like “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost, without the Worldview/Vision for the / ↑ \ Davidic/Messianic Kingdom connected to the perpetuity of Earth.

Faithful to the “as in Heaven [ YX ], so on Earth, [ xx ],” the soul of City on Earth, one with the Heavens, mirrors, complements the “Heavens.”

Faithful to her original feminine and queenly aspects which were taken away [ Genesis 2:21 ] from the soul and body of the Son of YHWH to make a Daughter of YHWH, compatible with the Kingly soul of the Prince [ King ], she also does her side of soul work to bring Earth into deeper union with the Heavens.

Faithful to YHWH’s Kingdom Cause, she works with the Prince-King as Lady Wisdom works with YHWH to Create the Universe [ the Heavens and the Earth ].

“… then I was beside him, like a master architect, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, …” Lady Wisdom, Prv8:30

Touched by Spirit/Light, understanding the Kingdom on Earth as in Heaven, she does her part of soul work, EQ>IQ to build and to be the King’s PQ.

For there is Water, there is water, and there is water.
For there is Wine, there is wine, and there is wine.

“… Your our eyes are wells of light, deep with mystery. Quintessentially feminine! …” SS7:4MSG [ Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon ]

Glimpsis of wisdom, knowledge, understanding: [ YHWH’s Son, David’s Son ] King Solomon’s multimeaningful, but “centered”, Kingdom Proverbs 9:1-6, describing a Wise companion for the Prince/King:

Wisdom has built her house;
She’s done her work to be a House/Temple/City/Nation fitful for the King;

she has hewn her seven pillars.
Unlike “crude matter,” she has done, is doing, her soul work, her seven days of creation, the seven heavens, the seven notes, … and her Seventh Day,  “Sabbath”, is Enlightened, reflecting Wholeness, “Shalom,” … The Creative Ordering Pattern, Union with the Uncreated One, with YHWH, not mere unenlightened duty, blind obedience to a commandment without being part of the Living and Breathing Universe, the “Living Being,” the Living Principle. She loves YHWH, YHSWH, she learns the TaNaK+, the Kingdom Worldview, Vision, the Laws and the Legends [ Is8:20 ].

She has slaughtered her beasts;
Her soul patterns on Malchut level, QWML energies, more clearly defined at her base, Malchut, with emphasis on the more feminine aspects, on the more earthly, “Nature,” elemental patterns of creation, [ “the enlightened darkness, Gen1:1-5; Ps136:8-9” ] mirrors and complements the King’s KWML — the Pyramid with Pyramids of the King, instance of YHWH, from Above, as the Son, from the Light, with more emphasis on the Heavenly side of Creation. // Unlike a wild, undeveloped, unpolished woman, her “beastly energies”, “the dragons”, have been ‘sacrificed’, ‘crucified,’ no longer self-serving, or serving false centers of patterns. Not “supressed,” but dedicated, offered as a “living sacrifice” to the multidimentional multifaceted Kingdom Center, to the Kingdom Cause. // As a “Kingdom of Heaven” Princess/Queen, her name is no longer Sarai, but Sarah — dedicated to the Eternal Purpose, for the Eternal City/Nation, destined to receive Greater Light from the King. She is destined to be a channel, a container, to continue to “give birth” to the Eternal Kingdom on Earth, to Abraham’s “Isaac/Jacob.” // Crucified to the flesh, touched by the Spirit/Light, her feminine energies now Radiating Life, are consacrated to the Higher Service of the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. In turn for wisely “slaughtering her beasts”, no longer blindly serving the flesh, “Egypt”, they are also “resurrected, repurposed to Eternal Life,” Lk9:24, Jhn5:24, 6:27. [ ]

She has mixed her wine;
Her “life-blood,” xx, has been mixed with the “Life-Blood,” YX, of the King.

She has also set her table.
She is ready to serve the “meal.”

She has sent out her young women to call from the highest places in the town, “Whoever is simple [ without insight, wisdom, knowledge, understanding ] let him turn in here!” To him who lacks sense she says, “Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have “mixed.” Leave your simple ways, and live, and walk in the way of insight.”
She is now ready to co-lead, to mentor, to develop other Kingdom Cities, to grow Isaachian Nations, daughters of Zion, daughters of Sarah, together with the King, for the Kingdom of Heaven. She has the Bread of Truth, she has the Wine of Life. She knows the Way to Eternal Life.

She has left “Egypt”. She has left the House of Laban. She has left Palti. She has left Nabal. She has left false open or false closed blues, or other closed centers of patterns, … She has left … her “five husbands”, Jhn4:16, Dan2 “bipolar governments,” … for the Eternal Kingdom.

She doesn’t serve mere temporary kingdoms destined to pass away [ + v – ], Nimrod’s “Phallus,” Mithra’s “Sunday/Easter/Christmas”, … Together with the King, she serves YHWH, YH[S]WH, the Eternal King of the Kings of kings, the “True Sabbath/Passover/Feast of Trumpets [ Yhswh’s True Birthday ]” with / ↑ \ Eternal Principles for Eternal Creative Ordering Life.

She pours out her life to become a Princess/Queen, a Footstool of the Eternal Kingdom on Earth, an Eternal King’s City, an Eternal Daughter of Zion, loyally [ covenanted love ] serving her King, to advance the True Kingdom Cause. Jhn12:1-3; 1Sam25:41

“… by Heaven, for it is the Throne of YHWH, or by the Earth, for it is His footstool, or by JeruSalem, for it is the City of the Great King.” King of the Kings of kings, Matt5:34-35

The Queen, Mount Zion, the True “JeruSalem,” delights the King. She is His delight.

Isaachian Nations, princesses, not choosing to be Rahabs, Jezebels, “The Way of Folly”, … but Sarahs, transformed Sarah’s daughters, daughters of Zion, those who are still unenlightened, uningsightful, untouched by Light/Spirit of Truth, serving the “wrong, false kings,” directionless, purposeless, meaningless husbands, …

“Give me a drink.” E.K., Jhn4:7.

At the entry level, those free-willingly choosing do so, to give “water,” can be ready to receive “Eternal Water,” to be touched by Light/Spirit, to learn and internalize Truth, to start on the Path of Eternal Life, on the Eternal Kingdom Journey.

“… Hear, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear:
   forget your people and your father’s house,
      and the king will desire your beauty.
   Since he is your lord, bow to him.
      The people of Tyre will seek your favor with gifts,
         the richest of the people.
All glorious is the princess in her chamber,
   with robes interwoven with gold.
      In many-colored robes she is led to the king,
    with her virgin companions following behind her.
With joy and gladness they are led along
    as they enter the palace of the king.
In place of your fathers shall be your sons;
   you will make them princes in all the earth.
I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations;
   therefore nations will praise you forever and ever.

✡︎Ps45 ß4卍

“Wisdom greater than Solomon is here.” YHSWH, Eternal King of the Kings of kings

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27 Sh’vat 5783

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“Blessed be YHWH, Eternal King of Israel, who made Heaven & Earth, who has given King David a wise son, who has insight, understanding, who will build a temple for YHWH and a royal palace for himself.” 2Chr2:12; 2Chr2:1; 2Chr1:8-12; 2Sm5:12; 1Chr14:3; Prv8 | EK>IK>PK

“… I will make them One Kingdom on Earth on the mountains of Israel … Judah will be sozoed, Israeli Nations will dwell in Shalom/Wholeness …”

• NW Intermediate Center; Ezk37
• Final Main Center; Rev21-22

Devekut: Jn10:30; Jn17:21; 2Sm23:2; Is9:6

Mtt7:6; 15:24