David’s Three Marys + 1 Mary = 192 × 4 = 768 = 384+384
Forming the base of a pyramid:
384 384
384 384
As EQ 756 [ 378+378 ] forms the base of
378 378
378 378
The 3 Marys + 1 [ The Four Marys ]
Ordered by GCCR Life-Light, Prince, King:
TACR 630+381+513+208 = 1732
KJCR 310+19+513+208 = 1050
EMCR 169+250+513+208 = 1140
NOCR 260+257+513+208 = 1238
1732+1050+1140+1238 = 5160
16 ϕ 1.6 | 1.6B Isaachians | N50/14
51+60 = 111 37+37+37
GCCR 1147 + 5160 = 6,307
6 [ 222 Gen2:22 ] 307 Rebekah | 703 And The Earth
30 Λ [ Lamed, King Letter ] + 67 = 97 79
79 = Sum of 1st 16 Pi decimals
6 × 30 × 7 = 1260 Revelation 12:6 1260 Days
[ 14159265358979 ] 32
GCCR 1148 + 5160 = 6,308
30 Λ [ Lamed, King Letter ] + 68 = 98 Generations
30 Λ [ Lamed, King Letter ] + 86 Elohim = 116 November 6
GCCR 1149 + 5160 = 6,309
30 Λ [ Lamed, King Letter ] + 69 Earth/Heaven = 99 Pyramid
30 Λ [ Lamed, King Letter ] + 96 Heaven/Earth = 126 Eden
17+10+11+12 = N50/14
32+50+40+38 = 160
76 76
776 776
7776 7776
777,600,000 777,600,000
20/80 Isaachians
1111+7102+3453+2008 = 13674
1×36×74 = 2664 = 666 × 4
37 + [ 37 + 37 ] = 111
7102 = 2701 Genesis 1:1
345 = Moses × 3 = 1035
10+35 = 45
3 [ 45 ] 3
….. 1050
.. 1140
1732 …………. 1238 < 12+38 = N50
= Geometric Shape of GCCR’s Eves’ Birth Places
Harmonic Mountain
__40 60 45
32 48 36 54
54 < Abraham’s Fractal Journey Ur>Haran>Zoan 1998 mi
1×5 × 1×1×4 × 1×7×3×2 × 1×2×3×8 = 40,320
40 × 37 [ 1480 ] + 32 × 37 [ 1184 ] = 2664 26 YHWH 64 [ 2368 ]
666 × 4 △ ▽ [ △ ] ▽ △
…. 1050
.. 1140
1732 ………. 1238 < 12+38 = N50
1050+1140+1732 = 3922
39 YHWH Echad | 22 Hebrew Letters
3922 = 92 in 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle
Crucifixion Year 3792 | 37 [ 92 ]
When The Spirit of David “died”, was crucified for “And The Earth.”
8548.60 mi + 13757.64 km = 22306.24
22 Hebrew Letters
30 Λ [ Lamed ]
6 [ Earth/Eve 222 ]
24 Tribes Rev4:4
= 82 | 820th Shmitah | 28 Gen1:1 Letters
1st 17 Pi Digits SUM: 3. [ 14 1 592 65 358 979 ] 32 before 384 = 82
28 30 320
1037.77 km + 1670.13 mi = 2707.9
27 Gelson 252 72
79 = 1st 16 Pi Decimals SUM [ 14 1 592 65 358 979 ] 32 before 384
1,048.75 mi + 1,687.80 km = 2736.55
27 Gelson 252 72
36 37+37+37+[36]
55 Center of 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 01
GCCR 3×8×3 × 4×3 × 5×1×3 × 2×8 = 207,360 2736
2×7×3×6 = 252 Gelson 72 27
1,064.11 mi + 1,712.53 km = 2776.64
Solomon to Gelson 2776 Years | 64 2368
828 828
11 × 252.36… Gelson 252 72 27 in 36
50 | 50.850450,4.348780
40 | 40.712999,-74.013189
32 | 32.783060,-96.806670
GCCR Birth to Eve-Marys Births
GCCR 16 November 1979 to
NOCR 06 February 1976
3 Years 9 Months 10 Days
3 Years
45 Months
1379 Days
197 Weeks
33096 Hours
1985760 Minutes
119145600 Seconds
Including End Date
3 Years 9 Months 11 Days
3 Years
45 Months
1380 Days
197 Weeks
33120 Hours
1987200 Minutes
119232000 Seconds
KJCR 06 April 1981
1 Year 4 Months 21 Days
1 Year
16 Months
507 Days
72 Weeks
12168 Hours
730080 Minutes
43804800 Seconds
Including End Date
1 Year 9 Months 12 Days
1 Year
16 Months
508 Days
72 Weeks
12192 Hours
731520 Minutes
43891200 Seconds
EMCR 30 October 1981
1 Year 11 Months 14 Days
1 Year
23 Months
714 Days
102 Weeks
17146 Hours
1028160 Minutes
61689600 Seconds
Including End Date
1 Year 11 Months 15 Days
1 Year
23 Months
715 Days
102 Weeks
17160 Hours
1029600 Minutes
61776000 Seconds
TACR 13 December 1989
10 Years 27 Days
10 Year
120 Months
3680 Days
525 Weeks
88320 Hours
5299200 Minutes
317952000 Seconds
Including End Date
10 Years 28Days
10 Year
120 Months
3681 Days
525 Weeks
88334 Hours
5300640 Minutes
318038400 Seconds
Example of Permutations:
3 Years + 9 Months + 10 Days
1 Year + 4 Months + 21 Days
1 Year + 11 Months + 14 Days
10 Years + 0 Months + 27 Days
= 111
__ 37+
= 147 The Root of David
39 YHWH Echad + 10 = 49 Omer
14 David + 21 David = 35 Biblical Generation
1 + 11 + 14 = 26 YHWH
10 + 27 = 37 Yah 11+26 YHWH
49+35+26+37 = 147 The Root of David
3×9×1 × 1×4×2×1 × 1×1×1×1×4 × 1×2×7 = 12096
1296 Plato’s Numbers Pyramid
12×96 = 1152
__252__ Gelson 72 27
300 300
Years 3×1×1×10 = 30 Λ “Lamed”
Months 45×16×23×120 = 1987200 19+8+72 = 99 Pyramid
Months 4×5×1×6×2×3×1×2 = 1440 14×37 + 40×37 = 1998 Gen1:1 A
Days 1379+507+714+3680 = 6280
28 Gen1:1 Letters in 60 [ 2220 ] = 88 Virgo 8×8 64 2368
62×80 = 4960 496 Malkuth 49 Omer for N50 in 60 2220
Weeks 197+72+102+525 = 896
8+96 [ Heaven 9 Earth 6 ] = 104 3848
Hours 33096+12168+17146+88320 = 150730
1+50+73+0 = 124 Rev4:4
1 × N50 × 73 = 3650 | N50/14 in 36
≡ 147 37+37+73
Seconds 119145600+43804800+61689600+317952000 = 542592000
54 [ 1998 ] 25920 Earth Years for Sun Cycle through Zodiac
25920 breaths per day
252 Gelson 72 27
Between Eve-Marys Births
NOCR 06 February 1976 to TACR 13 December 1989
13 Years 10 Months 7 Days
13 Years
166 Months
5059 Days
722 Weeks
121416 Hours
7284960 Minutes
437097600 Seconds
13 Years 10 Months 8 Days
13 Years
166 Months
5060 Days
722 Weeks
121440 Hours
7284400 Minutes
437184000 Seconds
KJCR 06 April 1981 to TACR 13 December 1989
8 Years 8 Months 7 Days
8 Years
104 Months
3173 Days
453 Weeks
76152 Hours
4569120 Minutes
274147200 Seconds
8 Years 8 Months 8 Days
8 Years
104 Months
3174 Days
453 Weeks
76176 Hours
4570560 Minutes
274233600 Seconds
EMCR 30 October 1981 to TACR 13 December 1989
8 Years 1 Month 13 Days
8 Years
97 Months
2966 Days
423 Weeks
71184 Hours
4271040 Minutes
256262500 Seconds
8 Years 1 Month 14 Days
8 Years
97 Months
2967 Days
423 Weeks
71208 Hours
427248 Minutes
256348800 Seconds
KJCR 6 April 1981 to EMCR 30 October 1981
0 Years 6 Months 24 Days
0 Years
6 Months
207 Days
29 Weeks
4968 Hours
298080 Minutes
17884800 Seconds
0 Years 6 Months 25 Days
0 Years
6 Months
208 Days
29 Weeks
4992 Hours
298520 Minutes
17971200 Seconds
NOCR 06 February 1976 to KJCR 6 April 1981
5 Years 2 Months 0 Days
5 Years
62 Months
1886 Days
269 Weeks
45264 Hours
2715840 Minutes
162950400 Seconds
5 Years 2 Months 1 Day
5 Years
62 Months
1887 Days
269 Weeks
45288 Hours
271728 Minutes
163036800 Seconds
NOCR 06 February 1976 to EMCR 30 October 1981
5 Years 8 Months 24 Days
5 Years
68 Months
2093 Days
299 Weeks
50232 Hours
3013920 Minutes
180835200 Seconds
5 Years 8 Months 25 Days
5 Years
68 Months
2094 Days
299 Weeks
50256 Hours
3015360 Minutes
180921600 Seconds
Example of Permutations:
Years 13+8+8+0+5+5 = 39 YHWH Echad
Years 13×8×8×5×5 = 20,800
208 Isaac / RCH [ Rocha ]
20/80 Pyramid
13 Years + 10 Months + 7 Days = 30
8 Years + 8 Months + 7 Days = 23
8 Years + 1 Month + 13 Days = 22
0 Years + 6 Months + 24 Days = 30
5 Years + 2 Months + 0 Days = 7
5 Years + 8 Months + 24 Days = 37
30+23+22+30+7+37 = 149
147 149 | 149
1147 1149 | 1149
30×23×22×30×7×37 = 117,948,600
117+948+600 = 1665 ADAM 45 × 37
GCCR 1147 + David 14×37 518 = 1665
___ 37+518+
STELLARIUM: https://stellarium-labs.com/stellarium-mobile-plus/
Eve-Marys First Names:
630+310+169+260 = 1369
1 1 1 2 11
3 3 4 6 33
6 33 37 12 66
9 333 370 18 99
Genesis 1:1 37×73 2701 370 1369
Ezekiel 16
“… for you’ve had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband …” Jhn4:18
1. Head of Gold
2. Chest, Arms of Silver
3. Belly, Thighs of Bronze
4. Legs of Iron
5. Feet of Iron, Clay [ + ◉ – ]▼
Bipolar BEAST and
Fragmented xxxtian GOATS [ + ◉ – ]▼
GCCR 384+43+513+208 = 1148
TACR 630+381+513+208 = 1732
KJCR 310+19+513+208 = 1050
EMCR 169+250+513+208 = 1140
NACR 260+257+513+208 = 1238
1148 + 1732 = 2880 288 2×3×6×8
1148 + 1050 = 2198 Gen1:1 28 Letters 19 703
1148 + 1140 = 2288 26 YHWH × Virgo 88
1148 + 1238 = 2386 [ 2368 6328 ]
= 9752 >< 2579
25 [ 925 ] + 79 [ 2923 ] = 3848
The SUM of the 1st 16 Pi decimals = 79
1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5+3+5+8+9+7+9+3+2 = 79
Pi 3. [ 14 1 592 65 358 979 ] 32
Revelation 21:16
Base of JeruSalem: 12,000 stadia × 185 meters = 2,220,000 meters
2220 kilometers
8548.60 mi | 13757.64 km
54 [ 1998 ] in Virgo 88 = 142 × 37 = 5254
52 Ben, Son, 54 [ 1998 ]
60 × 37 = 2220 JeruSalem Base
“And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,
“‘This people honors me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me;
in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men [ mere humans ].’
You leave the commandment of God [ to build the True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth ] and hold to the [ false ] tradition of men [ mere humans ].”
And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your [ false Sunday Beershit3:1-6 ] tradition! … thus making void THE WORD OF GOD by your [ false ] tradition that you have handed down. And many such things you do.”
Mark 7:6-9.13
“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. From now on you do know Him and have seen him.” John 14:7
… “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me.” John 8:42
8 + 42 [ David 14 × 3 ] = N50
David was right in their midst and the unborn from the Light, from Above, fragmented GOAT xxxtians full of Beershit3:1-6 had no Enlightened insight to know who David was. David’s brothers, family, had no idea who he is.
When those Beershit3:1-6 false religious GOAT xxxtians say they know “Jesus”, they have the Holy Spirit [ Eternal Life-Light ], but continue practicing their Beershit3:1-6 false GOAT religions, FRAUDS, SCAMS, upholding the CONSTITUTION of the bipolar BEAST gov, traitors of the Kingdom of Heaven, of DAVID, they are LYING.
If they had the Life-Light they would have known who David was.
If they had the Life-Light they would have kept “My Commandments”, STATUTES, CONSTITUTION of the Kingdom of Heaven to build the True Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
“And I will put my Spirit [ Life-Light ] within you, and cause you to walk in MY STATUTES and be careful to obey MY ORDINANCES.” Ezk36:27
49 Omer for N50 Shavout [ Pentecost ]
6-7 Sivan
2448 Giving of the Torah, Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven
2854 Birth of David
3792 Pentecost
Pi Positions 384 GELSN = 17 ≡ Gen 17 ×
378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ = 231 Gates =
3927 = North-Pole to Frisco
Pi Sequence:
_____[384] 6264
3 [383] 279 [N50]< Position 32 ○
Second Line: 3279
Crucifixion Year: 3792
Death to Birth Place: 9273
3×7×9×2 378
Recently Previous Phase Within Phases:
△ ▢ ◯
Coordinates: 33.104626,-96.816822
33 CrucifixionAge
104 3848 Universe
6 [ 222 Gen2:22 ]
96 Heaven 9 Earth 6 | 9×6 54 1998 Gen1:1A
8 37[8] 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
168 3×7×8 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
22 Hebrew Letters
294 Melchizedek | Η ΚΛΕΙΣ ΔΑΒΙΔ “The Key of David”
96+8 = 104 3848
96+8+168 = 272 Gelson 252 72 27
3,931.09 mi | 6,326.49 km
39 YHWH Echad 93 31+31+31
31 ×37 1147 GCCR
09 4+5 | 5+4 Pyramid
79 = SUM 1st 16 decimals
39 + [ 310 ] + 9 = 358 Messiah
39 × 310 × 9 = 108810
10+88+10 = 108 1×2×9×6
10×8×8×10 = 6400 64 2368
169+294 = 463 6×63 = 252 Gelson 72 27
8,505.72 mi | 13,688.63 km
8 + Sarah 505 = 513 GCC513R • 72 [ Gelson 252 27 ]
8 + N50 [ 58 ] + 5 + 72 = 135 513 153 …
8 + N50 + 572 = 630 [ 2880 ]
1×3×6×8×8 1152 ×6×3 20736
252 Gelson + 300+300+300
GCCR 3×8×3 ×4×3 ×5×1×3 ×2×8 = 207,360
1369 Gen1:1 Pyramid + 88 Virgo = 1457
17 Covenant 45 Adam