1st 15 Pi Digits with 14 Decimals before 32 ○
3. [ 14159265358979 ] 32
14 David
592 GELSN RCH 384+208
65 ΚΛΕΪ [ 11 ] W6H5
358 Messiah [ 16 ]
11 16 1979 Birthday
26 Cheshvan 5740
32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle
= 2044 20+44 = 64
3 + 14 Digits + 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle =
49 Omer for N50/14
Hebrew Letters:
Yud 10 [ 37 ] + Aleph 1 = 11 or 101
Ya or Ye [ Yah, Yeh ]
There are 3 Numbers forming the Pyramid
0 Uncreated Eternal Life-Light Original Substance, Uncreated Being, and the first movement, 1, 1, forming the base of a Unitive pyramid.
1 1
3 Units
The First Number of Pi = 3.
There are 16 Decimals including 32 ○
32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle with a △ Point of Life-Light in it.
11 16
November 16
Quantum 16 + 3 = 19 [ ×37 = 703 “And The Earth” Fractal ]
The SUM of the 1st 16 decimals = 79
1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5+3+5+8+9+7+9+3+2 = 79
November 16 1979
The 1st 17 Pi Digits [ 1st digit + 16 decimals ] = 82
820th Shmitah Year = AM 5740 = AD 1979
19×79 = 1501 = 1[0]1 with the N[50]/14 Seed in it.
11×16 [ 176 ] + 19×79 [ 1501 ] = 1677
16+77 = 93 [ EL 31 + EL 31 + EL 31 ]
31 × 37 = 1147 GCCR
= 1st 11 Hebrew Letters in Genesis 1:1
בראשית ברא אל
“At first He created EL”
31 31
93 Palindrome is 39 = YHWH Echad
13 13
Translated in the English Bible as
“The Lord is One.”
13 = Echad
13+13 = 26 = YHWH
11×16 [ 176 ] + 19×79 [ 1501 ] = 1677
ɸ1.6 Golden Ratio, Fractal 1.6B Isaachians
7×7 = 49 Omer for N50/14
7+7 = 14 David
1677 = 777
Yeshua 386 + Moses 345 + Elijah 46
11×16 = 176
First Pi Digit + 176 Decimals = 177
SUM = 777
1st 16 Pi decimals SUM = 79
1×6 × 7×9 = 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
28 30 320
28 320
28 Genesis 1:1 Letters
30 Λ Lamed, Center, King Letter
320 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle
28+30 = 58 = Noah = Yeshua [Ordinal]
11×16 [ 176 ] + 19×79 [ 1501 ] = 1677
1×6×7×7 = 294 Melchizedek
“The Key of David”
D ↘
↗ A G
128 192
383 385
300 300
252 Gelson = 900
2592 Zodiac Solar Cycle; Breaths/Day
After the 1st 17 Pi Digits [ 1st Digit + 16 Decimals ] is the first occurrence of 384 birthed in the 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom Circle.
3. [ 14159265358979 ] 32 384
The Matrix below is organized with the following columns:
1. Group Number, 2. GELSON Numbers, 3. Compounding SUM of the GELSON Numbers, 4. SUMS of the Decimals of the Group without the GELSON “Title”, 5. Compounding SUMS of the Decimals’ SUMS. 6. Compounding SUMS of the Decimals including the 1st Pi digit [ 79+3 = 82 ]. 7. Number of Decimals in the groups not counting the GELSON Numbers. 8. Compounding SUMS of the Numbers of Decimals. 9. Compounding SUMS of the Number Decimals including the first Pi Digit [ 16+1 = 17 ]
The extended digits are displayed further below in the page.
00 [ ] [ ] 79 82 16 17
01 384 384 21 100 103 5 21 22
02 383 767 441 541 544 95 116 117
03 384 1151 169 710 713 44 160 161
04 385 1536 903 1613 1616 209 369 370
384 21
383 441 384 169 385 903
21 I AM, David
441 Truth 169 Eve 903
3×7 = 21
אהיה = I AM = 21 ΔΑΒΙΔ
21st Greek Letter = φ
אֱמֶת = Truth = 441
חוה נק = Eve-nq = S 169 O 52 R 25
מלך Melekh 90 ×3 = 270
21+441+169 = 631 136 · 903
1369 × 3 = 4,107
147 The Root of David
4+107 = 111
On the Second Row, after 441 TRUTH, is 541.
541 = ISRAEL יִשְׂרָאֵל
541 is the SUM of the first 117 Pi Digits.
117 = Center of the Bible Chapter △ with 2 verses
The compounding SUM of the decimals at the 4th Group = 369,
including the 1st digit = 370
Genesis 1:1 37×73 Pyramid 2701 370 1369
1 1 1 2 11
3 3 4 6 33
6 33 37 12 66
9 333 370 18 99
G 3 3 3
L 30 33 36
S 300 333 369
G 3 3 3
E 1 4 7
L 30 34 4`1
S 300 334 375
375 Solomon שְׁלֹמֹה
5 [ 14 104 3848 ] + 370
The 160 Digits’ SUM [ Seed ] goes into 169 Eve-nq.
76 76
776 776
7776 7776
777,600,000 777,600,000
There are 32 instances of 383, 384, 385, within the first 10,001 Pi Digits. 1st Digit + 10,000 Decimals, extended fractal pattern of the first 17 digits. The SUM of the 10,000 decimals is 44890.
448 Gelson Felsen 90 Melekh
7776 7776
There is a lot more encoded information, such as …
2×1 × 4×4×1 × 1×6×9 = 1728 JeruSalem 12×12×12
2×1 + 4×4×1 + 1×6×9 = 72 Gelson 252 27 | The Light
3×8×4 + 3×8×3 + 3×8×4 = 264
384+383+385 = 1151 >< 15+11 = 26 YHWH
7×9 × 4×4×1 [ = 2016 ] × 1×6×9 = 108864
108 [ 1×2×9×6 ] | 864 JeruSalem [ 378+486 Gelson Rocha 162×3 ]
10+88+64 = 162 Rocha
… and other unconcealed, hidden secrets, patterns.
Pi Digits Groups 00, 01, 02, 03, 04
3. 14 1 592 65 358 979 32
6 [ 264 ] 3
279 50 288 4 19 7 169 39 9 375 10 58 20 974 944 592 307 81 640 62 86 208 99 86 280 348 25 3 42 11 70 679 82 1480 86 513 282 30 6 64 70 9
460 95 505 82 231 72 53 59 408 128 481 117 4 50 28 410 270 19
21 10 • 555 9 64 46 2 294 89 54 9 30 38 19 64 4 288 1097 56 65 93 34 46 128 4 75 64 82 3 378 6 78 31 65 27 120 19 0 9 14 5 648 56 69 23 4 60 3 486 104 54 32 6 648 21 3 39 3 60 72 60 2 49 14 12 7 37 24 58 700 6 60 6 31 5 588 17 48 8 15 20 920 96 28 292 54 09 17 153 64 36 7 89 25 90 36 00 11 33 05 30 54 88 20 46 65 21
All 32 Groups:
Occurrences within the 10,000 Pi Decimals:
David 14 × 37 = 518 occurs 14 times
ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ 378 occurs 14 times.
The Sum of the Number Titles of the 14 groups = 5378
384+383+384+385+384+384+385+385+383+383+385+385+384+384 = 5378
5+378 = 383 GLSN
5×37×8 = 1480 ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ
32nd Group’s Digits SUM = 1520
152 Sun, Son of David.
10 + 52 Ben = 62 Beni “My Son”
The SUM of the groups’ digits without the titles = 9905 >< 5099
N50 × 99 Pyramid = 4950
49 Omer to N50/14 Shavout
Shavout: Giving of Torah [ 2448 ], David’s Birth [ 2854 ], Pentecost [ 3792 ]
In The 5th Group
21 10 • 555 9 64 46 2 294 89 54 9 30 38 19 64 4 288 1097
555+9+64+46+2+294+89+54+9+30 [ Lamed ] Λ = 1152
252 Gelson 72 27
300 300
555+9+64+46+2+294+89+54+9+30+38+19+64+4+288+1097 = 2662
Beginning from position 6226 in pi are the three digits 424 ( Moshiach ben David ), meaning “Messiah, the Son of David”
מָשִׁיחַ בֶּן דָּוִד
1097 = GCCR
גלש גלי גרקיר רגה
+ N50 = 1147
גלשן גלי גרקיר רגה
Group 27, Title Numbers SUM = 10,370
10 [ 37 ] 370 Pyramid
Group 28, Title Numbers SUM = 10,754
754 = Yeshua The Messiah
7 Heavens × 54 [ 1998 ] = 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
Group 30 [ Lamed ] Λ, Title Numbers SUM = 11520
300 300
. . .
G 3 EL 31 Son [ Ben 52 ]
86 Elohim
3 × 31 = 93
Genesis 15:1
I AM your “SHIELD” [ 93 ]
Genesis 15:2
Sun, Son of David