26 Cheshvan 5740
GCCR’s Incarnation, Birthday
SON OF YHWH; Son of David
16 + 11 + 1979 = 2006 | 26 YHWH
1×6×1×1×1×9×7×9 = 3402 | 40 1480 in 32
16×11×1979 348,304 < Hebrew 40 384 GELSN 3
348 + 30 = 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ × 4 □ = 1512 1152
Sun Peak Altitude: 11:20 AM ≡
112 YHWH 26 + Elohim 86
At: 11:15 AM • 11+15 = 26 YHWH
16 November | Hebrew Day pattern started on the eve of 15 November ≡ 15 + 11 = 26 YHWH
RA 15h 26m ≡ YH 10+5 15 • YHWH 10+5+6+5 26
152 Sun, “Son of David” × 6 222 Eve/Earth = 912
Visual Magnitude: -26.8 26 YHWH 37[8]
Coming out from embryonic waters.
Absolute Magnitude: 4.8 48 448
4×8 32 Mystical Paths …
Apparent Diameter: 32+21+1 = 54 Heavens Gen1:1A
Distance to Earth: 0.99 On Earth as in Heaven △▽
1 1 1 2 11
3 3 4 6 33
6 33 37 12 66
9 333 370 18 99

1979+1116+1147 = 4242
David 14×3 + David 14×3
42 + 42 = 84 Fractal David’s opening the womb

Time in which GCCR came out: 3 PM [ 15 PM Military time ] local time; 12 PM current location time.
Apparent Diameter: 32×21×8 = 5,376
5 14 104 3848 • 376 Creation 3760
5×37×6 = 1110
G 3 3 111
L 30 33 1110
S 300 333 11100
N 50 383 111110
111+1110 = 1221 12×21 Gelson 252 72 27

12:00 PM Current Location Time
Sun Peak Altitude: 12:11 PM < Hebrew Is11:12 Mission

Solar Cycle 21 • Solar Maximum = Nov 1979
Birth SunSpots 165 Nekudah Point of Light
Genesis 1:1 Hebrew Ordinal = 329 14
165 [ 164.5 × 2 ] = Center Point of Genesis 1:1
26+26+26 = 78
29+29+29 = 87
87+78 = EpiCenter of 165 Nekudah
[ See Year 5787 below ]
Pi ” 78 14252 78 ” | David 14 Gelson 252
Midpoint of AM 5740 [ AD 1979 ] = 2870 • 20 87
2×8×7 = 112 YHWH 26 + Elohim 86
AM 2870/2871 Samuel became Israel’s Leader

Sun in Libra [ ≡ Aries position △ ]
Moon in Virgo, Mary, Eve

Full Moon coming from Taurus
11 Days before birth
Magnitude: 1×2×64 = 128 • 1+2 = 3 × 64 = 192 Mary
128+192 = 384
Distance: 378138 79 • 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
A D G △ A Position • See Phi, E, Pi 378
Diameter: EL 31 ×37 1147 GCCR • 60 ×37 2220

New Moon in Libra, 3 Days after Birth
Same fractal position as Taurus, and as 378, in the fractal 128, 512, side. 8×8×8 888 ΙΗΣΟΥΣ
Distance: 384260.83 • 384 GELSN גאלשן O 62 R 15
62 Beni “My Son”
Diameter: EL 31 ×37 1147 GCCR • 10 ×37 370 Gen1:1 △

Exact Day of Birth
Sun Magnitude: 26 YHWH 7×7 49 Omer
2×6×7×7 588 • 5 14 104 3848 in 88 Virgo
5×8×8 320 Jesse | 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom
Diameter: 32 × 35 = 1120 112 YHWH 26 + Elohim 86

Jupiter and Mars in Leo • King, Warrior

Mars [ White Mark ], Jupiter, Moon, Son, Venus,
In perfect alignment,
with Leo, Virgo, Ophiucus,
formation with Bootes


Mal 4 6 Verses
… the day is coming, burning …
The day … shall set them ablaze …
But will arise for you
who reverence My Name, וְזָרְחָ֨ה לָכֶ֜ם יִרְאֵ֤י שְׁמִי֙
The Sun of Righteousness … שֶׁ֣מֶשׁ צְדָקָ֔ה
887 8×8×7 448
839 8×3×9 216
1726 • 664 6×64 384
/ ↑ \
1 Kethor 620 • Beni 62 • 1,620
3 △ 2
5 6 4
8 9 7
10 Malkuth 496 ✡︎ Ps45 ß4卍
4×96 [ 9△▽6 ] = 384 GELSN
Kethor in Malkuth
Malkuth in Kethor
Your Kingdom come
Your Will be done
As in Heaven△, on Earth▽
620+496 = 1116 | Nov 16
Exodus 25:9,40 ESV
/ ↑ \
“At first He created EL”
1st 11 Genesis’ Letters = 1147 GCCR
“Praise Yh [ 11 ]. Praise EL [ 31 ] in His Sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of His power.” Ps150:1
Hebrew S 1147 GCCR 31 ×37
“Firmament” in Genesis, words’ #s:
56+67+73+78+83+164+178+206+242 = 1147
/ ↑ \
5778 is manifestly linked to 18 Life, Chai and to the Greater Light in the firmament of Heaven [ Sun ].
Abrahamic Covenant was made in the Hebrew year 2018. 3760 [ Creation ] Years later = AD 2018 = AM 5778
2018 Pi Position 4068 [ 4608 6408 ]
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Abrahamic Covenant AM 2018
3760 [Creation] Years later =
AD 2018 = AM 5778
26 Cheshvan 5740 – 1 Tishrei 5778
11.16.1979 – 9.21.2017
37 Years; Gen1:1 37×73
454 Months; Kodeshim
1974 Weeks 1×9×7×4 252 Gelson
19 And The Earth 74 37+37 37×73
331,765 Hours 331+775 1106
/ ↑ \
Abrahamic Covenant AM 2018
3760 [Creation] Years later =
AD 2018 = AM 5778
26 Cheshvan 5740 – 1 Tishrei 5778
11.16.1979 – 9.21.2017
37 Years 10 Months 5 Days
37×10 370 Pyramid | 375 Solomon; Sol: Sun
Including end date
37 Years 10 Months 6 Days
3760 Creation 3761
/ ↑ \
1 Tishrei 5778 | 21 September 2017
AM 5778 = 2017-2018
2018 = Pi digit 6839 • 6 [839]
6×8×3×9 = 1296 297 Gelson Adam
Sun of Righteousness (שמש צדקה) 839
839 = Pi digit 2019
2017+[2018]+2019 = 6054
60 2220 • 54 Heavens Gen1:1 A
60+54 = 114 Big Bang
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AM 5778 = AD 2018
1979-2018 39 YHWH Echad
1981-2018 37 Gen1:1 37×73
△39+38+37 114 Big Bang
△39×38×37 888 ΙΗΣΟΥΣ
1148+1140 2288 26×88
114+888+114 1116 Nov 16
8 of 1148 = contracted 888
114+8+8+8+114 252 Gelson 72 27
GCCR 1148 + 88 Virgo + 114 = 1350 1+12 N50
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King David AM 2854-2924
Middle 2889 = Mid of Adam to 5778
AM 5778 = AD 2018
1979-2018 39 YHWH Echad
1981-2018 37 Gen1:1 37×73
1979+1980+1981 = 5940
19+79+19+80+19+81 = 297 Gelson Adam
Bible’s Midpoint 594+△+594
1979+1980 11481
GCCR 1148+1
Yh 11 Eve 481
Thread ☟
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AM 5778 = AD 2018
1979-2018 39 YHWH Echad
1981-2018 37 Gen1:1 37×73
△ 39+38+37 = 114 Big Bang 1148+1140
△ 39×38×37 = 888 ΙΗΣΟΥΣ
114+888+114 = 1116 Nov 16
8 of 1148 is contracted 888
E.g. 8 48 448 | 76 776 776 ×2 ≡ 160 1600 16000
Thread ☟