Shmitahs & Names

Gelson 820 370 10 1
Jesus 537 555 15 6
David 408 444 12 3

370+555 = 925 Area [ 111+518+518 = 1147 ]
370+555+444 = 1369 [ 111+518+518+518 = 1665 666 ]

16×65 = 1040 = 50 | 104 3848 Center

1765 | 1369 | 37 | 163 [ 10 ]

Gelson David Jesus [ English ]

3 Words × 16 Letters = 48 444

Standard 1185 | 11+85 = 96 9×6 64 2368
Ordinal 186 666 | 1×8×6 48 444
Latin 1915 | 1×9×1×5 = 45 Pyramid
Red 60 | In the 2220 area, adding 148 [ 444 ]
Sumerian 1116 | Nov 16 | 11+16 = 27 Light | 111×6 666
Others …

Gelson David Jesus [ Hebrew ] ישוע דוד גלשנ

3 Words × 11 Letters = 33 1221 12×21 252 Gelson Standard

Standard 783 [ 378 ] 18 666 296 Rock
Ordinal 117 9 11×7 77 14 David
Reduced 45 9 Pyramid [ 4+5 ]
Squared 188513 = 26
Others …

Gelson David Jesus [ Greek ]

Γκέλσον Δαβίδ Ιησούς

S 378 + 21 + 888 | O 81 + 21 + 96 | R 27 + 12 + 24

3 Words 18 Letters | 3×18 = 54 [ 666+666+666 ]

Standard 1287 | 1×2×8×7 112 Pyramid Rows |

12×87 = 1044 = 37×44 1628 16×28 448 | 10+44 = 54

104 [ 3848 ] + 4 [ 148 ] = 108 × 37 3996 999 39×96 3744

Ordinal 198 1×9×8 72 1×98 98 Generations | 1+9+8 18 666

Reduced 63 | Pi Layers | ×37 2331 [ 333 ] 23+31 = 54 [ 1998 ]

378×21×888 = 7048944 [ 36 ] | 704+89+44 837 378

7×4×8×9×4×4 = 32256 18 32+256 = 288 2×3×6×8

Words 3+3+3 [ GLS 333 ] = 9 3×3×3 27 Gelson

Letters 16+11+18 = 45 Pyramid

16×11×18 = 3168 [ 18 666 ] 31+68 99

31×37 1147 + 68×37 2516 = 3663 666

3 + 168 [ 3×7×8 378 ] = 504 54

Sum 48 + 33 + 54 = 135

48×33×54 = 85536 [ 27 ] 8+55+36 = 99 18


Hebrew in Hebrew S 682 O 70 R 16
Greek in Greek S 154 O 73 R 28
English in English S 209 O 74 R 38

682+154+209 = 1045 104+5 109 19

70+73+74 = 217 21×7 = 147 The Root of David

70×73×74 = 378,140 | 378 Γκέλσον 14 Δαβίδ

378+140 = 518 David דוד S 14×37

7+7+3+7+4 = 28 Genesis 1:1 Letters, Pyramids

Gelson Γκέλσον גלשנ

252 + 378 + 383 = 1013 23 14 5 104 3848

1013 × 37 = 37481 | 37+481 = 518 David 14 ×37

1+0+1+3 = 5 [ 537 ]

252×378×383 = 36483048 [ 36 × 37 × 0.5 666 ]

3×6×4×8×3×4×8 = 55296 = 55 Rock 296 צור

2+5+2+3+7+8+3+8+3 = 41 RAM איל [ S 41 O 23 R 5 ]

2×5×2+3×7×8+3×8×3 = 260 26

2×5×2×3×7×8×3×8×3 = 241920 [ 18 ] 241+920 1161 | Nov 16

518 = 5×18 90 King | 51×8 = 408 Shemitah | 5×8×1 = 40 Area

Goodbye Winter 15.3.2024

153 Fish | 15×3 45 ADM Pyramid [ 4+5 ]


5 Adar II [ 7 ] 5784 | 36 [ 9 ] 153 [ 54 ]

March 15 2024 | 17 [ 8 ] 37×8 296 [ 378 ]

Goodbye Winter of 5784

S 1782 1×7×8×2 112 Pyramid Rows
O 207 Light אור [ O 27 R 9 ]
R 108 ×37 3996 999 18 ×37 666 | 39×96 3744

37×44 = 1628 16×28 448
3×7×4×4 = 336 112×3

112 112


Goodbye Winter of Year 5784

S 2578 560 5×60 300 Shin/Spirit
O 256
R 130
L 2218

Trigonal 2120
Squares 3984 3×9×8×4 864 | 49+84 123

16 Groups | φ1.6

A B G D H W Z X T Y K L M N S O 325 10 370

Lines 2 5 8 4 3 4 8 7 7 2 7 1 11 7 11 3 = 90 ×37 = 3330

16×90 = 1440

14 David + 40 Area = 54 “… The Heavens” Gen1:1 A

1440 + 3330 = 4770 148+259+259 = 666

74×7 = 518 = 14 David × 37

Four days to say goodbye to this Winter,
   a New Spring is almost here.

Cool morning after the rain,
   wild storms, …
Earth refreshingly wet
   under the skirts of a cloudy morning,
   just as I like it, as I also enjoy it.

The smell of moisturized nature,
   being replenished
   by the transitional pre-spring rain,
after a time, at the northern hemisphere,
   of Earth’s introvert work,
   post enough righteously,
   mindfully enginneered space of time
   for nature to rest, for trees to deepen their roots.

Nature begins to do the extrovert work
   of coming alive again —
the beautiful greens, the colorful flowers,
   the birds’ songs, … the gardens …

The aliveness and enchantment of a
   new quintessential Spring Season
   right at the closing gates of a completed winter.

As the Majestic Royal Sun joyously pierces
   and shines through this cloudy morning,
I’m reminded of the Original Garden
   planted by YHWH Elohim, by WHO I AM.

Below the energetic and ecstatic joy
   and sunlight, permeated with Life-Light,
is the part godly, partly human sadness
   of contemplating the tragedy
   that was set into motion
when ADAM listened to his wife,
   without giving a second thought,
   acted carelessly and irresponsibly.

As the first legitimate king
   at the EpiCenter of Earth,
   HeartMath one with the Realm,
the whole earth was affected
   by the careless act of following
   Eve’s faulty “leadership”,
   influenced by the “fallen one”.

On this Eighth Week of Warfare
   in the process of restoring Earth
   to recreate the Creatively Ordered
   Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven
most Isaachian Males are still lost
   in false religion and irreligion,
   with false governments and lawlessness.

But there is a considerable number
   looking for The Way of Truth and Eternal Life.

But the sadness is a tiny sadness,
   compared to the Infinite Eternal Joy,
   including the happiness of a sweet,
      guaranteed victory
   over the enemies of the Kingdom of Life.
Tiny, just as this planet
   is a tiny dot in the vast Universe.

Lovers pay attention to tiny details.

And after we complete reconquering
   every aspect of this tiny Earth
   that was lost to the evil one,
every tiny pattern of photon,
   of sound waves,
   every tiny atom,
will be restored to righteous order —
   the perfect holarchic balance
   of this part of Creation,
and it will be refilled with increased powers
   of the unscreened Life-Light of Heaven.

Earth, with the Final True Kingdom Center
   for the 10,000 Years Phase,
with a righteous and ordered framework
   which allows the wildness of life,
   of nature, to grow at appropriate spaces,
and with the Higher Original Righteous Principles
   of the Legitimate Governing Center on Earth.

A Quintessential Royal City,
   built by YHWH Elohim
   with and through His Sons,
filled with The Splendor of Life-Light,
   kissing the Original Bright Darkness
   of Creation, part of Nature,
the unshaped waters,
   formed mountains,
   that provide materials for the expending Realm,
   the nature of wild nature that provides plants
   to be carefully cultivated in a Garden.

The Center Point of the Kingdom Center on Earth
   with the unscreened Presence of YHWH Elohim
   “And they will see His Face …”

514 Words 2473 Letters

5+1+4+2+4+7+3 = 26 YHWH

5×1×4×2×4×7×3 = 3360 3+3+6+0 12 ×37 444

336 = 112 ×3

112 112

S 201221
O 29285 2×9×2×8×5 1440
R 12032 12+32 44×37 1628 16×28 448
L 178041 21 ×37 777

Primes 92636 26
9×2×6×3×6 1944 19 [703] + 44 [1628] = 63

Fibonacci 126101

Trigonal 243796 [ 31 ]

Reverse Trigonal 358890

Squares 458307 4×5×8×3×7 3360 112×3

W | 27 Words 125 Letters

27×125 = 3375 3×37×5 555

3×3+7×5 = 44 ×37 1628 16×28 448

3×3×7×5 = 315 3×15 45 ADM [ 4+5 ] Pyramid

S 11673 | 1×16×7×3 = 336 = 112 ×3

O 1494 | 18 ×37 666 | 1×4+9×4 = 40 1480 Area

R 630 63 | 3 × 21 Layers | Pi

L 10037 | 100×37 | 3700 | The 12 Names

Lovers pay attention to tiny details.

K 12 ×37 444

6 Words 31 Letters [ 37 ]

6×31 = 186 37+296+222 555

S 3799
O 424
R 136
L 2779

Squares 7324 7×3×2×4 168 888 3×7×8 378

Trigonal 3874 | 37×8+4 = 300 [ Shin ]

3×8×74 = 1776 777 [ 888×2 ]

38+74 = 112 Pyramid Rows [ YHWH 26 + Elohim 86 ]

“Hear, Israel: YHWH our Elohim, YHWH Echad. You shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Deut6:4-9; Mrk12:29

6+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45 ADM 4+5 Pyramid

The Center Point of the Kingdom Center on Earth
With the unscreened Presence of YHWH Elohim
“And they will see His Face …”

O 16 | 22 Words 97 Letters

16×22×97 34144

4[14]4 454 Kodeshim | 4144+3 4147

4×1×4×7 = 112

41+47 = 88 8×8 64 2368

4 × 147 Root of David = 588 [ 288 + 300 Shin ]

5×8×8 = 320 | 5M × 320 1.6B | From David to Gelson

S 7274 20 7×2×74 1036 [ 28×37 ]
O 1091 10+91 101 ×37 3737 37×37 1369
R 497 4×9×7 252 2×52 104 3848
L 6554 65+54 119 6×5×5×4 600 [ Shin+Shin ]

Primes 3372 3×37 111 × 2 222

Fibonacci 5084 50×8×4 1600 [ 448 + 7776×2 ]

Squares 16313 1×6×3×1×3 = 54 [ 1998 ]

16×31×3 1488 14+88 102 ×37 3774 777 37+74 111

31×37 [ 1147 ] + 19×37 [ 703 ] 1850 = 50 [ N/Seed ] ×37

Reverse Squares 28112 = 28 Pyramids 112 Rows

Trigonal 8702 8+70×2 = 148 | 8×7×2 112

Reverse Trigonal 14820 148+20 168 3×7×8

The Center Point of the Kingdom Center on Earth
With unscreened Presence of YHWH Elohim
“And they will see His Face …”

21 Words 94 Letters

777 3478 [ 34+78 = 112 ]

Multimeaningfully Unencrypted:

Entire Piece with all 16 Groups

Ordinal 29285 [ 26 ] 2×9×2×8×5 1440 David 14 Area 40
Reduction 12032
Reverse 37506
Reverse Reduction 13521

Standard 201221 [ 8×37 296 Rock ] 12×21 252 ×2 504 54
Latin 178041
Sumerian 175660
Reverse Sumerian 224986

Reverse Standard 457815
Single Reduction 13427
KV Exception 12590
SKV Exception 13985

Reverse Single Reduction 14799
EP Exception 19875
EHP Exception 21153
Primes 92636

Trigonal 243796
Squares 458307
Fibonacci 126101
Reverse Primes 125244

Reverse Trigonal 358890
Reverse Squares 680274
Chaldean 9717
Septenary 10367

With the title: Goodbye Winter of Year 5784

Ordinal 29541
Reduction 12162
Reverse 37811
Reverse Reduction 13637

Standard 203799
Latin 180259
Sumerian 177076
Reverse Sumerian 226696

Reverse Standard 461792
Single Reduction 13557
KV Exception 12720
SKV Exception 14115

Reverse Single Reduction 14915
EP Exception 20045
EHP Exception 21323
Primes 93412

Trigonal 245916
Squares 462291
Fibonacci 126951
Reverse Primes 126219

Reverse Trigonal 361696
Reverse Squares 685581
Chaldean 9817
Septenary 10463

With the Title: Goodbye Winter of 5784

Ordinal 29492
Reduction 12140
Reverse 37752
Reverse Reduction 13614

Standard 203003
Latin 179773
Sumerian 176782
Reverse Sumerian 226342

Reverse Standard 460581
Single Reduction 13535
KV Exception 12698
SKV Exception 14093

Reverse Single Reduction 14892
EP Exception 20004
EHP Exception 21282
Primes 93241

Trigonal 245404
Squares 461316
Fibonacci 126910
Reverse Primes 126013

Reverse Trigonal 361044
Reverse Squares 684336
Chaldean 9808
Septenary 10450

Audience of One

Tue, July 22, 2014 | 9.22 [ 31 ] 9+22+20+14 = 65


10+24+57+74 = 165

Nekudah Point of Light | Birth SunSpot

1×2×4×5×7×7×4 = 7840

Nekudah 78 EpiCenter | 40 Area

10+24+5,774 = 5808 21

5×8×8 = 320 G3 R20 1.6B Population 5M×320

10 Years [ 37 28 ] Anniversary of this Psalm

10.24.5784 | 1+2+4+5+7+8+4 = 31 ×37 1147

1+2+4+5+7+8+4 = 8960 23 5 14 104 3848

July 30 2024 | 6×3×2×2×4 = 288 2×3×6×8

2Sam6:14 A “And David danced before YHWH with all His might.” וְדָוִד מְכַרְכֵּר בְּכָל-עֹז לִפְנֵי יְהוָה

Standard 825 296+74+185 555 Area GLS333 + 222 [72+148]

Breathe new life into my soul
Your truth is all I need to know
Satisfy my heart’s desire
Move me closer, take me higher

Take my mind, take my heart
Make it one with the sound of heaven
Take my all and make it whole
I’m Yours now, I’m Yours forever

Longing for more of Your love
Wanting to see more of Your face
Surround me with Your Presence
Take me deeper into Your grace

Unite my voice with the angel’s song
In step with You all eternity long
Dancing to the rhythm of Your sound
My feet higher than the ground

New level of experiencing You
The deepest hunger in my own soul
I want to know more of Your love
You have my all, You’re in control

Invade, permeate, infiltrate, flood
Fill the heart with the same blood
Activate, animate, energize, move
Make me in sync with Your heavenly groove

I will dance, dance, dance for You
I will dance, dance, dance with You
I will sing, sing, sing Your praise
I will shout, shout, shout Your name

I will dance, dance, dance
I will sing, sing, sing
To the audience of One

Title 3 Words 13 Letters | S 558 O 117 L 418 R 63

8 Groups 31 Verses 8×3×1 24 888 8+3+1 12 444

8 × 37 296 Rock

31 ×37 1147 GCCR

A 25 Wrds 94 Lttrs S 9255 O 1173 L 7685 R 453

B 29 Ws 97 Ls S 10532 O 1199 L 9352 R 452

C 24 Ws 101 Ls S 10147 O 1291 L 8497 R 535

D 28 Ws 111 Ls S 12238 O 1429 L 9368 R 574

E 28 Ws 103 Ls S 13553 O 1403 L 12403 R 530

F 23 Ws 118 Ls S 10781 O 1340 L 10311 R 575

G 28 Ws 108 Ls S 10856 O 1298 L 10166 R 524

H 15 Ws 55 Ls S 2874 O 543 L 3194 R 264

9+2+5+5 = 21 3

92+55 = 147 777

11+73 = 84 444

2×8×7×4 = 448

2+8+7+4 = 21

Total Ws 200 Ls 787 | S 80236 O 9676 L 70976 R 3907

8×2×3×6 288 David’s Orchestra 2×3×6×8

9+6+7+6 = 28 Letters/Pyramids

“ONLY THE PRINCE may sit in it to eat Bread before YHWH.” Ezk44:2-3

DAVID meets YhYHWH, Audience of One, eats 148 Bread; meets 24 at 148+777 [ 925 ] area. With 24+48[444], 72, they lead 2368 area.

“… from the River to the ends of the earth.” Ps72:8

“… and set my feet upon a ROCK [ 296 ], making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our Elohim. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in YHWH.” Ps40:2-3

“And all the angels [ spiritual beings ] were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.” Rev7:11-12


The Spirit of David

I AM YHWH 2Sm23:2




קהל של אחד

Stand 478 Ord 82 Red 28

להפיח חיים חדשים בנשמה שלי
האמת שלך היא כל מה שאני צריך לדעת
לספק את משאלת ליבי
תקרב אותי, קח אותי גבוה יותר

7162 1025 286

קח את דעתי, קח את ליבי
הפוך אותו לאחד עם קול השמים
קח את כל כולי ותעשה את זה שלם
אני שלך עכשיו, אני שלך לנצח

6357 999 300

כמיהה ליותר מאהבתך
רוצה לראות יותר מהפנים שלך
הקף אותי בנוכחותך
קח אותי עמוק יותר לתוך חסדך

6342 959 285

אחדי את קולי עם שירת המלאך
בצוותא איתך לנצח נצחים
לרקוד לפי הקצב של הצליל שלך
הרגליים שלי גבוהות מהאדמה

5655 999 309

רמה חדשה של לחוות אותך
הרעב הכי עמוק בנשמה שלי
אני רוצה לדעת יותר מאהבתך
יש לך הכל, אתה בשליטה

6161 869 275

לפלוש, לחלחל, להסתנן, להציף
מלאו את הלב באותו דם
להפעיל, להחיות, להמריץ, להזיז
עשה אותי מסונכרן עם הגרוב השמימי שלך

5753 1075 371

אני ארקוד, ארקוד, ארקוד בשבילך
אני ארקוד, ארקוד, ארקוד איתך
אני אשיר, אשיר, אשיר את הלל שלך
אני אצעק, אצעק, אצעק את שמך

6798 1032 246

אני ארקוד, ארקוד, ארקוד
אני אשיר, אשיר, אשיר
לקהל של אחד

3096 450 108


Title 478 82 28

A 7162 1025 286

B 6357 999 300

G 6342 959 285

D 5655 999 309

H 6161 869 275

W 5753 1075 371

Z 6798 1032 246

X 3096 450 108

A+B+G+D+H+W [ Standard ] =

7162+6357+6342+5655+6161+5753 = 37430

3×7×4×3 = 252 [ 28×3×3 ] Gelson Stand; The Light

37×4×3 = 444

3×74×3 = 666

3×7×7 = 147 The Root of David

A+B+G+D+H+W+Z =

7162+6357+6342+5655+6161+5753+6798 = 44228

4×4×2×2×8 = 512

4×42×28 = 4704

44×2×28 = 2464

24×37 888 | 64×37 2368 | 24+64 88 8×8 64

A+B+G+D+H+W+Z+X =

7162+6357+6342+5655+6161+5753+6798+3096 = 47324

473 = 148+259+111 = 518 David14×37 | 24×37 = 888

5+1+8+8+8+8 = 38

5×1×8×8×8×8 = 20480 | 20+4+80 = 104 ×37 3848 Center

A+B+G+D+H+W+Z+X + Title =

7162+6357+6342+5655+6161+5753+6798+3096 + 478 =

47802 = 148+259+296+74 = 777 | 147

4×7×8×2 = 448 | 16 φ1.6

4+7+8+2 = 21 Δαβίδ


1+6+1+5+7+5+3+6+7+9+8+3+9+6+4+7+8 = 174

174 = 1×7×4 = 28 Gen1:1 Letters/Pyramids

37+259+148 = 444



1025+999+959+999+869+1075+1032+450 = 7408

Ordinal + Title

1025+999+959+999+869+1075+1032+450 + 82 = 7490

7×4×9 = 252 The Light המאור | Gelson Standard

The Light המאור | S 252 O 45 R 18

74+90 = 164 | 1×64 ×37 2368 | 16×4 = 64 ×37 2368

74×37 = 2738 [378] | 90 King ×37 = 3330

378+2+3330 = 3710 | 37×10 370 Pyramid 1369

2×3×6×8 288 David’s Orchestra | Mighty Men

7408 = 259+148+296 = 703 [ 73 ]

7490 = 259+148+333 = 740 [ 74 ] 704 | 7×4 28 Gn1:1 Letters

73+74 = 147 The Root of David

Ordinal A+B+G+D+H+W+Z+X

+8+6+9+1+7+5+1+3+2+4+5 = 136 [ 37 ]

37+111+222 = 370

1×3×6 = 18 666

8+6+9+1+7+5+1+3+2+4+5+8+2 = 146 [ 47 ]

37+148+222 = 407 704

1×4×6 = 24 ×37 888 8×8×8 512 185+37+74 296 Rock צור

Multiplied Ordinal Digits:

3905198529120000 =

3+9+5+1+9+8+5+2+9+1+2 = 54

54 [ 9 ] ×37 1998 Gen1:1 A
“In the beginning … The Heavens”

Multiplied Ordinal Digits + Title:

62483176465920000 =

6+2+4+8+3+1+7+6+4+6+5+9+2 = 63

63 [ 9 ] = 21+21+21 Shin + Shin + Shin

Pi 63 [ 3 Layers ]


Psalm 27:4 | 4772 | 148+259+259+74 = 740

אַחַת שָׁאַלְתִּי מֵאֵת-יְהוָה אוֹתָהּ אֲבַקֵּשׁ שִׁבְתִּי בְּבֵית-יְהוָה כָּל-יְמֵי חַיַּי לַחֲזוֹת בְּנֹעַם-יְהוָה וּלְבַקֵּר בְּהֵיכָלוֹ

47×72 = 3384 | 383+4 | 378 Γκέλσον

3×3×8×4 = 288

4×7 = 28 Gen1:1 Letters/Pyramids
7×2 = 14 David

2×8×1×4 = 64 ×37 2368 2×3×6×8 288
