2×5×2 + 2×8×8 = 148
252 Gelson Standard | המאור The Light | + 288
28+8 = 36 | Each 666 Pyramid = 36×37×0.5
2+5+2 + 2+8+8 = 27 9
2+5+2 + 2+3+6+8 = 28 10 37
252 [ 9 ] 288 [ 18 ] | 999 | 27 | 9
…. 2[9]6 Rock צור
2[9]6 2[9]6 592 Felsen
“Be sure you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.” Eternal King | “You are a [ King-Priest ] forever, after the order of Melchizedek.” Ps110 | Restoration of legitimate Kingdom/Priesthood, Center, must be Isaachians’ priority. Acts15:16

Each 666 Pyramid = 36×37×0.5 | 288 | 28+8 = 36

Right-side up fractal ΔΧ 2368 [ 28 36 ], base of 4-Sided Pyramid, with 444 Axis [ 148+148+148 ], is One with 11+26 [ 37 YhYHWH ]. One with 925 area [ 25×37 ], 1 King + 24, Rev4:4, which is one with both upper area [ 37 ] and base 2368 [ 148+2220 areas ] of Pyramid, to organize 2220 image.
Adam45 26+19 in 19 Eve, completes Eve, 2220+[148] in 2220 [ 555×4 ], but unfallen Adam’s 148+2220 is whole without Eve. E.g., Unlike Adam45-YHWH26=DJT.COVID19 [ + • – ]▼.
28×37 + 36×37 = 2368
2×3×6×8 = 288
36 = 28+8 288 David’s Orchestra; Mighty Warriors
36 × 37 × 0.5 = 666 + 37 = 703 “and The Earth.”
Triangle Area = Height × Base Length × 0.5
The Jewish “Jesus Christ”, Son of YHWH, Yehoshua 937 = Gelson[38]3-David14 [ 937 ], is ONE WITH all three levels, EK>IK>PK [ NOT as the “Gentile Jesus” of the GOAT [ Catholicism, Orthodoxism, Denominations, Non-Denominationals, Dan8:8 ] ]
9+3+7+9+3+7 = 38 11 2 74 11 2
3×8 24 888 296+296+296
…. 2[9]6 Rock צור
2[9]6 2[9]6 592 Felsen
37+296 = 333 ×3 = 999
148 14 104 3848 383 38[3+1]8 | Quantum Seed
148 14 104 3848 383 38[3+1]8
148 14 104 3848 383 38[3+1]8 | Materialization
555 Area, 333 eating 148 Bread | Son of God, Son of Man
925 Area with 148 Center [ 4×37 ]
2368 Area, where 148 is infused into 2220
Not as the upside down [ + • – ]▼ fragmented xxxtian GOAT winds, without the Multidimentional Center 148+148+148 = 444, in the 2220 area [ 555×4 ]
37+37+37 = 111
148+148+148 = 444
14 14 14 | 5 5 5
1480 [ with 2×148, 296 Rock צור, Ordinal 44, and with 148 [ 444 ] for the 2220, previously removed from the visible realm on Earth, returns on time to “Rock” the false centers of patterns, to free Isaachians, to reestablish the True Center for the 2220 realm on Earth. Dan2:34-35,44-45
“Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for Shalom [ Wholeness, Unity, Completion, Coherence ]! But now they are hidden from your eyes.” Lk19:42
“The Secret King of Isaiah Nine Six” is the 1480 [ with 148+148 ], to add the quantum 148 [ 148+148+148; EKIKPK-KWML ] to the 2220 Realm on Earth, to form a non-fragmented, 2368, one with the whole [ 3848 ], to bring coherence to the 2220 mirror. | 26+19 ΔΧ on 19 xx
As in Heaven, on Earth
1480+148 | 1628 + 2220 = 3848
16×37 + 28×37 = 1628
φ1.6 | 28 Gen Letters/Pyramids
Unlike those who pursue the current fragmented centers of patterns, contributing to the multidimentional fragmentation of the ik>pk layers on Earth, the SON of YHWH seeks first the EK, is infused [ EK>IK ] with EK, to build the True PK on Earth.
The ΔΧ SON of YHWH doesn’t “walk by sight”, from external world to internal. We are infused [ IK ] with the Eternal [ EK ] FOR the external [ PK ], not the other way around [ + • – ]▼
We are, to different degrees, on different levels, connected to the external, but Rooted in the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven.
For example, when JeruSalem [ external ] made bad choices, the True King, YHSWH, connected to the Earthly Realm, expressed sadness [ IK>PK ], but it doesn’t affect the “Deep Centered Joy” [ EK>IK ]. Luke 19:41-44 189 999 27 9 △
The Marriage of the Heavens [ 1998 ] and The Earth [ 703 ], Gen1:1 2701, means the King is also emotionally invested, HeartMath+ connected to the mirror 2220 on Earth, but differently than the EK>IK connection.
In the beginning created Elohim the Heavens … 1998 [ 666+666+666; 999 ] | Ord. 247 1147
and the Earth 703 [ 666+37 ]
Genesis 1:1
Connection to Legitimate Center on Earth is different than connection without the Legitimate Center with Original Patterns, with the Presence of the Eternal Father, YHWH, NAME, as the Son is at the deepest part of HimSelf, from Spirit [ EK ] to soul [ IK ] to physical realm [ PK ].
Adam45 26+19 is 26+19 +19 with Eve19.
If Eve turns away from True Center, YHWH26, True Adam removes 19 Eve, but stays whole [ 26+19 ]. If Adam chooses fallen 19 Eve’s wrong path, 26 YHWH removes 26 YHWH from Adam, his 19 [ 2220 ] becomes fragmented, like the xxxtian GOAT winds’ LIES, Dan8:8, like beast govs [ + • – ]▼.
“This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” Matthew 13:13 “This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.” Mtt13:35
1 MALE, DAVID [ GLS 333; 555 Area ]
[ 925 Area + 555 = 1480 = GCCR 1147 + 333 ]
24 + 48 = 72 [ 72 Elders ]
Nmbrs11:16 [ 11.16.[26]1979 ] Nmbrs11:26; Lk10:1
1 + 24 + 48 = 73
46 Sepherim + 27 Biblos = 73
37×73 Gen1:1 2701 370 1369
True Adam, like Daniel, Joseph, does unlike fallen 45 [ + • – ]▼, Republican-Democracy, who chose the fall and is without YHWH26 like fallen Eve19 is. E.g., the “Let’s Make America Great AGAIN< delusion,” without Kingdom of Heaven reality, worldview.
Therefore, the SON of YHWH loves YhYHWH above all else. With clear internalized Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, priorities are very easily managed. Anytime we need to make choices that involve the two paths, △ or [ + • – ]▼, the choices are very simply made. We don’t forfeit Eternity for mere Earthly mirrors, the lower level of Creation, the Earth. We walk by True Faith in the True Eternal Creator of the Universe, One with Uncreated Eternal One, not like the xxxtianity’s hollow, fragmented FAT false faiths.
Deut6:4-5; Mtt4:1-11
The Son of YHWH who prioritized “growing Adam/David as Son of YHWH,” maintaining Unity with Uncreated One, continuing to develop Internal Structure, knows His timing. The Son has the internalized Rock 148+148 [ 296 ] צור, for the Realm.
378 Γκέλσον 37×8 [ 4+4 ] = 296 צור [ 148+148 ]
Γκέλσον Κλέι Δρυοδάσος Βράχος
37×73 2701 | 8+9 17 8 | 8×9 72×37 2664 [ 666×4 ]
Sepherim 390 86 21 סְפָרִ֤ים
Biblos 714 84 21 βίβλους | 147 444 21 Δαβίδ
46+27 = 73 | 37×73 Gen1:1 2701 370 1369
8+6+8+4 = 26 YHWH
21×37 = 777 147
714 = 777 147
7×14 = 98 Generations from Abraham to GCCR
If Planet Earth still had a Legitimate Kingdom Center consistent with the patterns of Heaven, hosting Instance of the True Father, YHWH [ Lk2:49; Jhn2:16 ] that would have been the ideal place for the Son of YHWH to grow up, in union with the Earthly Realm. But the Son had to grow apart from fragmented centers, in order to, in sync with Heaven, finish off the false centers and rebuild True Center on Earth.
“… And I’LL GIVE HIM THE MORNING STAR.” Rv2:26-28 83 38
Saturday, 1 Adar 5784 [ 26 ] / 10 February 2024
Sunday, 2 Adar 5784 [ 27 ] / 11 February 2024