Sabbath Meditation

The ‘Garden of Eden’ [ Kosmos ], was the starting point for the evolution of the Kingdom Center on Earth, ‘Footstool,’ Malchut. Sons of YHWH, our fathers were supposed to stay on the evolutionary Path, collectively, to grow the Legitimate Kingdom on Earth. Gn17:6; Ps72:8; Rv22:5. “… a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to [ אֵ֣ל ]. … He chose ‘David’ [ DWD14 ] his servant … With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.” Ps78
יְהוָ֥ה רֹ֝עִ֗י
[ 26 ]

On Earth as in Heaven
Kether in Malchut, Malchut in Kether
A “Garden of Eden” on Earth
and a Supernal one in “Heaven”
On Sabbaths and New Moons
souls dwelling on Malchut ascend
to the Supernal Garden of Eden
then return to their place.
Ezk20:20; 2Chr7:16; Ps24:3-5

“Who shall ascend the hill of YHWH? And who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false [ E.g., Catholicism [ Iranian-Mithaism with all her weeds, etc ] ] and does not swear deceitfully [ Ho10:4 ]. He will receive blessing from YHWH and righteousness from the Elohim of his salvation.” King David, Ps24

/ ↑ \ “I will run in the way of Your [ YHWH ] commandments when You enlarge my heart!” King David instructing Solomon

The Creator is whole, perfect unity, holy [ Mtt5:48. ] Making the Sabbath holy, sanctifying it [ Gen2:3 ] from space and time, as born from men [ Son of Man, 11, Mtt12:8; 11(326;11) + 15 = 26 ], we ascend to the OmniPresent One. The Conscience, Spirit, Light, Breath of Life, part of us that transcends the soul [ emotions, intellect ] rises above the created universe. A form of meditation that expands the Self [ Seed of Eternity, Ecc3:11, “Goldener Ball”, Da’at ] from the heart, encompassing the Created Universe [ Invisible and Visible realms, “Heaven, invisible all around us, and Earth” ], then, going beyond the created universe, to Uncreated Light, Jhn3:3 ]. Similar to time traveling through the 13+ billions of years of the unfinished Universe, encompassing the Created Universe, all the way to Forever and Eternity, Eternity of Eternities, Infinity, Uncreated Light, the Father.

Simultaneously, as the conscience dwells with the Holy One [ Dtr6:5; Mrk12:29 ], which can also be quantumly sensed closer than a physical breath, we can perceive more Quantum Life-Light being infused into the Earthly Vessel, Personal Temple, as we actively rest, as we Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath also includes the experience of meditating on the “Isle of Paradise,” — EK — first Source and Governing Center of Creation where the First instance of YHWH is [ “Quantumly,” where we, Sons of YHWH, are ], as well as the instance of the center, Inner Temple, Heart Sanctuary — IK.

Observing Sabbath centers and brings coherence to the Self and to the personality’s patterns.

Doing this, we “HeartMath” ourselves and the creation we are interconnected with. This also makes us keenly aware of the absence of an instance of the Quantum Presence of the NAME, Eden, Eternal Governing Center, on Earth — PK.

As Sons of YHWH, observing the Sabbath on the original and scientifically proven fractal time pattern of the evolving process of the creation of the Universe, Isaachians are also acknowledging YHWH as the True Eternal King, not “Mithras,” and keeping the Covenants He made with us, as David, as Solomon, as YH[S]WH, did.

“For thus said YHWH Elohim, the Holy [ Whole ] One of Israel, “In returning [ upwards ] and rest you shall be saved [ sozoed ]; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Isa30:15

The Sabbath rest also strengthens us. It makes us stronger, in the sense that as we acknowledge, with a deep sense of ‘knowing’ beyond intellect, that the Infinite Uncreated Being is in charge of all aspects of the entire Creation, and that we are One with this Unfathomable Being, our Eternal Father, there is absolutely no reason for and nothing that can shake our True Core, one with the Uncreated One and with the Eternal Rock, YHWH Elohim.

“The law of YHWH is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of YHWH is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of YHWH are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of YHWH is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear [ reverence ] of YHWH is clean, enduring forever; the rules of YHWH are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” King David, Ps19

“The stupid man cannot know; the fool cannot understand this: that though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever;” Ps92:6-8″ • In just a little while, Enoch’s 10 Weeks, they will be no more, but we are FOREVER.

“May Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Sabbath on the Seventh Day is not pagan Mithra’s Sunday practiced by pagan-Christianity under the argument “Jesus” resurrected on Sunday, “The Lord’s Day.” The resurrection of YH[S]WH was on the Seventh Day, Sabbath [ Saturday ].

Hope Isaachians had a cosmogonically blessed One.

Have a brand new week!