We learn from history that most previous leaders did not really learn from history, nor from the source of knowledge and wisdom …
“Grant me wisdom and knowledge, so that I may lead this people. For who is able to govern this great people of Yours?” King Solomon
Henry Kissinger | WORLD ORDER
Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History
“The history of most civilizations is a tale of the rise and fall of empires …
For five hundred years, Rome’s imperial rule had ensured a single set of laws, a common defense, and an extraordinary level of civilization. With the fall of Rome, conventionally dated in 476, the empire disintegrated. In what historians have called the Dark Ages, nostalgia for the lost universality flourished. The vision of harmony and unity focused increasingly on the Church. In that worldview, Christendom was a single society administered by two complementary authorities: civil government, the “successors of Caesar” maintaining order in the temporal sphere; and the Church, the successors of Peter tending to universal and absolute principles of salvation. Augustine of Hippo, writing in North Africa as Roman rule crumbled, theologically concluded that temporal political authority was legitimate to the extent that it furthered the pursuit of a God-fearing life and with it man’s salvation. “There are two systems,” Pope Gelasius I wrote to the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius in A.D. 494, “under which this world is governed, the sacred authority of the priests and the royal power. Of these, the greater weight is with the priests in so far as they will answer to the Lord, even for kings, in the Last Judgment.” The real world order was in this sense not in this world.
This all-encompassing concept of world order had to contend with an anomaly from the start: in the post–Roman Europe, dozens of political rulers exercised sovereignty with no clear hierarchy among them; all invoked fealty to Christ, but their link to the Church and its authority was ambiguous. Fierce debates attended the delineation of Church authority, while kingdoms with separate militaries and independent policies maneuvered for advantage in a manner that bore no apparent relationship to Augustine’s City of God.”
The “Church”, not in the true meaning of the word used by earlier followers of YH[S]WH, which is the Assembly of the People of the Kingdom of Israel [ not the Assemblies of God denomination, another ‘weed’ ], with “replacement theologies,” no legitimate Kingdom-of-Heaven-on-Earth worldview, misguided Europe and European descendant nations [ Isaachians ] on a scale historically so immense that even Protestants and other groups [ weeds, Matt13 ] free from the tyranny of the Roman Church are still lost, bewildered, in denial.
Martin Luther: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t9vugDybDI
If the “Roman Catholic” priesthood had been true to the Truth that the real world order was not in this world [ EK > IK > PK ], “On Earth as it is in Heaven”, they wouldn’t have ‘abolished’ the TaNaK+ [ Mat5:17-20; Psalm 119:160 ], and deliberately changed the legitimate statutes of the Eternal Kingdom, while also misusing the “New Testament” writings, taking them completely out-of-context, to create their false teachings and illegitimate systems of sin management, used to manipulate the crowds, as for instance, the selling of indulgences. Had the branch which grew with gentile pagan characteristics not departed from Hebrew roots and stayed faithful to the Eternal Truths, “Europeans” throughout world wouldn’t be so ‘unconscious’ about the Kingdom on Earth Vision, plan to rebuild the Davidic/Messianic Kingdom on Earth, the Legitimate Theocracy.
The european kingdoms with separate militaries, not only bore no apparent relationship to the illegitimate, untrue allegories, merely rationalized North African Augustin’s City of God vision [ Hosea8:1ESV ], they also had no resemblance to the patterns of the True Kingdom of Heaven’s Vision for Earth.
The NATO alliance brought some level of unity to Europe, in the sense that separate militaries from Isaachian Family of Nations, “brothers,” are not “killing each other” as they used to, like it would be in the case of an European Russian invasion of European Ukraine, with both nations being comprised mostly of Isaachians. But the separate Kingdom-of-Heaven-less governments without the legitimate, genuine “Otherworldly Order” and even the ‘secularized’ European Union with preamble similar to the U.S. Constitution — which is unconsciously partly equivalent to the Noahic Covenant with all living creatures, but not the Kingdom Covenants with Isaachians to establish the True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth — cannot produce the long-term legitimate World Order with the “real world order not of this world,” nor engender the Shalom [ peace as in wholeness, true order, cosmos, ] which only the True Kingdom of Heaven can make manifest on Earth.
“YHWH Elohim. YHWH Echad.” True Priesthood & Kingdom are One. Ps110. Legitimate Priesthood is the interface between the “Invisible Realm” and Kingdom on Earth. The early “church” split from Hebrew roots, True Kingdom Worldview, grew as a paganized gentile institution. The Great East–West Schism, after many little schisms, it’s also rooted on separation of the Earthly Center from the “Invisible Center” [ 1Ki12 ]. The “solution” is to make YHWH the Eternal King, in Truth, … rebuild the True Center on Earth. Is8:20; Ezk37:22
The European Nations and descendant European nations, Isaachian Nations promised to Abraham, have been replicating and amplifying the fractal pattern derived from 1 Kings 12 [ + v – ], deviation from Legitimate Center, governments according to the pattern of the Daniel 2 ‘beast’ [ Unconscious KWML without EK > IK > PK ], until we move Isaachians to the right side of the Daniel 2 process.
There has never been a better time in history for the conscious advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven’s Cause than the days we’re living, and the days that are yet to come, in the sense that the world is becoming more technologically interconnected. The potential for chaos and disorder increased, but also its opposite. The potential to undo the blinding lies that permeated the minds and hearts of Isaachians in regards to the Eternal Kingdom, to unite Isaachian Nations as One Kingdom with One System, which, beside being genuine to the Order of Heaven with all its repercussions, positive consequences and ramifications for the Earthly realm, which are exponentially greater, the simplification and reduction of cumbersome, over-bloated, ineffective systems of bureaucracy [ unenlightened and unordered SDi Yellow ] can re-ignite and unleash more of the creative ordering original nature of the True Kingdom designed for Earth, and in tune with the evolution of the Universe, which in a universal scale, Earth, is a mere small fractal pattern, but highly and meaningfully significant in the greater scheme of things — the embryo, with seeds for the population of the entire Evolving Universe.
The Kingdom is designed to produce a cosmos, extraordinary level of civilization, balancedly integrated with the whole of reality, which has never existed before. The most important element is the Center with high concentration of the Quantum Uncreated Undifferentiated Light, which permeates and penetrates all the inner-spaces of creation, in different degrees of exposure and expression, the Original Substance and Creative Source of Universal Order — I AM, or as YH[S]WH, Eternal King of the Kings of kings, called “Father,” the primal unitive King Energy.
We learn from history that if our predecessors had learned from history, they would have prioritized, recreated, the Legitimate Kingdom Center for the Quantum Presence of the NAME and Uncreated Undifferentiated Light, as part of intelligent, consciously loyal, reverently willing obedience to the command of our Eternal King: “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, …” Matt6:33
The True Kingdom Sacred Center from which the legitimate Kingdom’s Creative Ordering Laws, evolving on its foundation, can be upheld and increased.
Matthew 13
The best is yet to come …
Kingdom and Covenants:
/ ↑ \ “The days are coming … I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right on earth … Judah will be sozoed, [ Israeli Nations ] will live in shalom. He’ll be called: YHWH is our Righteousness.” J23;33
“I will make them one Kingdom on Earth on the mountains of Israel …” Ezekiel 37