The Prince’s Blacklist

Eve of 8 of Av, 5783 [ 33 ]
Eve of 26 of July, 2023 [ 22 ]

1966 [ 22 ] TAS △▽ “As Above So Below”

AAA 262626 Pi position 788169 [ 12; 3 ] אאא

326 [ 11 ] Pi position 434 [ 11 ]

[ 20 ] String 1356 appears at the 41,807th decimal digit of Pi.

[ 20 ] string 1966 appears at the 2,918th decimal digit of Pi.

Whiter then Thomas Edison’s light
Deeper than Crimson

Red, White, Black [ White Light ]

No, you could never be timeless
   But you can be forever
Like the eternal beauty I see in your eyes
   As the yunger you in front of the blue lights

‘Cause beauty, without time,
   The dynamics that inspires you
      to write and to play your songs
   You’d cease to exist
Without that which breaks things into parts
   so you can be on the right side of my blacklist

Beauty, it was only after time,
   when our story began
Genesis, you were made, split from me,
In a timeline, that’s when you came to be,
   That’s when you came back to me

Timely, you can also move through
      space and time
   As I do in my heart and with my mind
As the time I went back in the clock of years
   to see you when you were only thirteen
Semi erasing a foolish mistake I made
   back in the year two thousand and three

I sheltered you with my heart
   from that day on and forever more
You lived without the unnecessary
   heartache you poured into a song
Our creativity was exponentially greater
   And you had found the space you belong
   You’ve found where you belong

For I wished you never had to be in the darkness
   wondering where it all went wrong
Like a Machiavellian schemer
   working so hard for artificial love
Denying truth, wearing a circus mask
   hiding behind your desk,
   hoping for true love

But those lessons are important as well
   We keep those semi erased mistakes’
      memories for now
As trophies, as medals hanging in a wall
   Magnifying the memory of a grander future,
      in our restored Kingdom,
      the splendor of it all
Greater Victory after 10,000 years from the fall
   Yes, magnifying the splendor of it all
Greater Victory after 10,000 years from the fall

More appreciation for hotter fires
      of a cooler Heaven
   After being though some cold fires in hell
As we will have after the war,
   existing in hypertime
Unscreened Eternity of Eternities’
   in a much brighter Light

No, you could never be timeless
but you can be forever, as I AM

No, you could never be timeless
   But you can be forever
Like the eternal beauty I see in your eyes
   As the older you filled with water and wine

Like in one of my favorite songs from you,
   Bottled, five minutes, twenty one seconds long
As the moment I came home from a war
   As in the picture in your Timeless song
Like the moment I went back in time
   When you’ve found where you belong

We eliminated the wolves to free your soul
   New Temple, a Palace, they made you whole
We eliminated the wolves to free your soul
   New Temple, a Palace, they made you whole

No you could never be timeless
But we can be forever and ever without end


“The days are coming … I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right on Earth … Judah will be sozoed, Israel [ Nations ] will be made whole. He’ll be called: YHWH is our Righteousness.” Jrm23;33; Gn17:6 #KingdomCovenants

26 [13+13] 15 Eärth, עוֹלָם 11

25-[26] Tammuz 5783; 14-[15] July 2023

Path of Eternity [ Light ] on the Eternal Rock [ Truth ]

The Mountain of YHWH 777,600,000² [ 9² ]

YH[S]WH[11]; Eternal King [ אֲדֹנָי 11 | עַד 11 ]
326 [ 26 26 26 ] 8 8 8

“Seek first the Kingdom of G-d,
and His [ 8 ] Righteousness …” E.K., Mtt6:33

✡︎ Will of Heaven for Earth
“Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven.”

△ Kethor in Malchut
▽ Malchut in Kethor

△ Heaven
A 26; 8 | 01.[01].3759
A 26; 8 | 26.[02].5740
A 26; 8 | 15.[03].5750
▽ Earth

15 x 3 = Ps45
15 x 3 x 5750 = 258,750

15.9.5750 [ 32 ] Ecclesiastical
“With 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom …” Sefer Yetzirah | One who can become as Lady Wisdom, Prv8-9, if …

Born ten years from the year I was born
Reflection from approximately ten years ago


Remember in the shadows of your mind
You wanted to live that ‘Beautiful Dream’ Day
“David-Joseph” was fighting YHWH’s battles
Pursuing a Greater Reality that will Forever stay

For why live passing shadows build sand castles
In a world building sinking houses on sand
When The Day can last for Eternity of Eternities
Built on the Rock that will Forever stand

For if we don’t strive to turn the tide
Away from the path our fathers have been
Our children’s children will sink in chaos
That Day could be just a mere dream

But if you choose the Path that leads
To where l’ll be when the veil is removed
You can stand in the Light, Forever by my side
In a Greater Reality you’ll always be loved

From that window of time, ten years ago
You’re sure becoming much more beautiful
For in the Light there’s nothing you need to hide
For the Light will also beautify your soul

✡︎Ps45 ß4卍

“Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from G-d, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Rev21:1,2,3 [9]

“… and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to El [ אֵ֣ל ] …” Ps78 [15]

“On this mountain YHWH of Armies will make for all nations a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined. And he will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever; …” Ish25:6-8 [21]

[ 9² ]



G El Son

“War is an art …”
The German Art of War

“Afloat and all at sea, the stars align in threes
They’re so fine and free, in blue, and in green
Like leaves on endless trees
Come climb the sky with me
Come hear and come to see
Melody in perfect symmetry
In Love, in Light, in Key …”

Golden Ratio creative ordering spiral; mirrored:

As always … over, above, beyond …