1 Samuel 16:11 • 1116 November 16
And said Samuel to Jesse וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל אֶל-יִשַׁי
Are here all the young men הֲתַמּוּ הַנְּעָרִים
And he said וַיֹּ֗אמֶר
Still there remains the youngest עוֹד שָׁאַר הַקָּטָן
and there he is keeping the sheep וְהִנֵּה רֹעֶה בַּצֹּאן
And said Samuel to Jesse וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל אֶל-יִשַׁי
Send and bring him שִׁלְחָה וְקָחֶנּוּ
for not sit down will we until he comes כִּי לֹא-נָסֹב עַד-בֹּאוֹ פֹה׃
S 5,136 O 957 R 330 SV 1031460
51+36 = 87 • 122[87] • Pi10K 32 Groups
50+40+32 = 122 Universe
136 × 37 = 5032 N50 32 ○
5+136 = 141
Pi 3.141
51×36 = 1836
18×37+36×37 = 1998 Genesis 1:1 A
SV 1031460 • 10+31+46 = 87
Equivalents 10 19 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 01
[10] 37 × 31 = GCCR 1147 • 460 King of Salem; FLSN
Samuel שְׁמוּאֵל
S 377 O 53 R 17 SV 92537
3×7×7 147 The Root of David Η ΡΙΖΑ ΔΑΒΙΔ
1 + Samuel 377 = 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
[ 1 ] Samuel 377 + 16 + 11 = 404 Kadosh
404 with [ 1 ] = 414 Gelson Rocha | 441 Truth
14 + 40 = 54 1998 Gen1:1 A
Abraham’s 1998 mi Journey • Ur>Haran>Zoan
Jesse יִשַׁי
S 320 O 41 R 5 SV 90200
Samuel 377 + Jesse 320 = 697
6×9×7 = 378 ΓΚΕΛΣΟΝ
3×7×7 × 3×2 = 882 • 288 2×3×6×8
28 30 320 • 378 1377 Universe
2×8×3×3×2 = 288 Big Bang 2×3×6×8 2368
Squared Vakues [ SV ] Samuel + Jesse
92537+909200 = 1001737
117 • 177
100+1737 = 1837 18×37 = 666
1377 Universe • 378
1001737 + David’s SV 68 = 1001805
518 + 1[000] ≡ 1[147] GCCR
N 50 × 19 And The Earth = 950
Pi 3. 1 41 592 65 358 979 32
384 6 [ 264 ] 3 383 27 950 < Position 32 ○
Samel 377 × Jesse 320 × David 14 = 1688960
16+88 = 104 3848 + 9×6 54 1998 = 158 5846
58 + 46 = 104 3848 Universe
Pi 3.[14…32]
14×32 448 Gelson Felson
3448 Ezra
And said Samuel to Jesse וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל אֶל-יִשַׁי
4 words | 5+5+2+3 15 Letters
S 985 O 157 R 40 SV 225375
Are here all the young men הֲתַמּוּ הַנְּעָרִים
2 Words | 4+6 10 Letters
S 826 O 135 R 43 SV 210786
And he said וַיֹּ֗אמֶר
1 Word | 5 Letters
S 257 O 50 R 14 SV 41737
Still there remains the youngest עוֹד שָׁאַר הַקָּטָן
3 Words | 3+3+4 10 Letters
S 745 O 126 R 43 SV 147559
and there he is keeping the sheep וְהִנֵּה רֹעֶה בַּצֹּאן
3 Words | 4+3+4 11 Letters
S 484 O 117 R 52 SV 58116
And said Samuel to Jesse וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל אֶל-יִשַׁי
4 Words | 5+5+2+3 15 Letters
S 985 O 157 R 40 SV 225375
Send and bring him שִׁלְחָה וְקָחֶנּוּ
2 Words | 4+5 9 Letters
S 513 O 99 R 45 SV 103625
for not sit down will we until he comes כִּי לֹא-נָסֹב עַד-בֹּאוֹ פֹה׃
6 Words | 2+2+3+2+3+2 15 Letters
S 341 O 116 R 53 SV 18887
50+40+32 = 122 • 122[78] • 122[87]
Last Two Sentences
Words: 2 6 | 26 | 8 37×8 378
Letters: 4×5 × 2×2×3×2×3×2 = 2880
2880 = GCCR 1148 + TACR 1732
Ordinal 99 × 116 = 11484
14 David + 148 = 162 Rocha
14×37 + 4×37 [ 148 ] = 666
GCCR 1148 + 4 = 1152
8 Sentences
8 Sentences + 25 Words + 89 Letters = 122
122 = 32+40+50 [ Harmonic Mountain ]
8 × 25 × 89 = 17800 1728 • 1[00]78 1[22]78
8×2×5×8×9 = 5760
57+60 = 117 Ps117 Center Chapter
Pi10K 32 Groups = 12287
25 Words 89 Letters
2 [ 5 8 ] 9 • 58 + 29 = 87
25+89 = 114 • 1148 GCCR
25×89 = 2225 • 272
2×5×8×9 = 720
Gelson 252 72 27
4 + 2+1 + 3+3+4 + 2+6
4 + 21 David + 334 GELS + 26 YHWH = 385 GELSON
4 × 21 David × 334 GELS × 26 YHWH = 729,456
729 • 45×37 GCCR 1147+518 • 6×37 222
45+6 = 51 ×37 1887 888
72 × 45 × 96 = 311040 • 31 1147 • N50
4×2×1×3×3×4 = 288
4×2×1×3×3×4×2×6 = 3456 • 36 45 • 36 54
….. 50
.. 40 60 45
32 48 36 54
5+5+2+3 = 15
4+6 = 10
5 = 5
3+3+4 = 10
4+3+4 = 11
5+5+2+3 = 15
4+5 = 9
2+2+3+2+3+2 = 14
15+10+5 [ 30 ] +10 [ 40 ] +11+15 [ 66 ] + 9 [ 75 ] + 14 = 89
8+9 = 17 Genesis 17 Covenant 17 Pi Digits
8×9 = 72 Gelson 252 27
1×5×1×05×1×01×1×1×5×9×1×4 = 4500 40 50
5×5×2×3 = 150
4×6 = 24
5 = 5
3×3×4 = 36
4×3×4 = 48
5×5×2×3 = 150
4×5 = 20
2×2×3×2×3×2 = 144
= 577
5+77 = 82 = SUM of 17 Pi Digits
28 Gen1:1 Letters
28 30 320
5×77 = 385 GELSON
57×7 = 399 3×99 297 Gelson Adam
5 [ 14 104 3848 ] • 7×7 = 49 Omer
5 + 49 = 54
….. 50
.. 40 60 45
32 48 36 54
150×24×5×36×48×150×20×144 = 13436928000000
34+1369+28 = 1431
GCCR 31×37 1147 + DAVID 14×37
…… 37+518+
1×50×2×4×5×3×6×4×8×1×50×20×1×4×4 = 18,432
18 Chay 432 Gelson
1×8×432 = 3456 • 36 45 • 36 54
1×3×4×3×6×9×2×8 = 31,104
31×37 1147 GCCR + 104×37 3848 = 4995
45 99 [ 45 + 54 ]
Reversed <
32+55+64+5+433+434+32+55 = 1110
32+55+64+5+433+434+32+55+54+32+32+22 = 1250
12×37 + 50×37 = 2,294 2×294 = 588 5×8×8 320 [ 14 88 ]
12+50 = 62 Beni
4+8+4 = 88 Virgo
5+1+3 = 31 ×37 1147
3+4+1 = 8 378
= 127 • 2701 Genesis 1:1 37×73
8×8 × 3×1 × 8 = 1536 =
384×4 = 3×8×4 × 2×8 GELSN RCH
8×8+1147+37×8 = 1507 • 17 50
17 Pi Digits 3.14…32
And said Samuel to Jesse וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל אֶל-יִשַׁי
S 985 O 157 R 40 SV 225375
Are here all the young men הֲתַמּוּ הַנְּעָרִים
S 826 O 135 R 43 SV 210786
And he said וַיֹּ֗אמֶר
S 257 O 50 R 14 SV 41737
Still there remains the youngest עוֹד שָׁאַר הַקָּטָן
S 745 [ 7×54 378 ] O 126 R 43 SV 147559
and there he is keeping the sheep וְהִנֵּה רֹעֶה בַּצֹּאן
S 484 O 117 R 52 SV 58116
448 Gelson Felson
117 Center [ 541 ISRAEL ]
52 Son, Ben
58 TKEL [ 28+30 ] • 116 Nov 6 • 518 1.6B
58116 588 5×8×8 320 Jesse
985+826+257+745+484 = 3,297 [ 3792 Crucifixion ]
3 × 297 Gelson Adam = 891 99 18
32 × 97 = 3,104 • 3×3848 = 11544 1149
11+544 555 11×544 5984 • 594 8
32×9 288 ×7 = 2016
3×2×9×7 = 378 [ 3×7×9×2 Crucifixion ]
Send and bring him שִׁלְחָה וְקָחֶנּוּ
S 513 O 99 R 45 SV 103625
for not sit down will we until he comes כִּי לֹא-נָסֹב עַד-בֹּאוֹ פֹה׃
S 341 O 116 R 53 SV 18887
Last 2 sentences:
513+341 = 854
8×37 + 54×37 = 2,294 2×294 Melchizedek מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק
294 Η ΚΛΕΙΣ ΔΑΒΙΔ The Key of David
1st 6 sentences:
Standard 985+826+257+745+484+985 = 4282
41+51 = 92 ×37 = 3404
3404 + 444 [ 148×37 ] = 3848
Ordinal 157+135+50+126+117+157 = 742
7×42 = 294 Melchizedek Η ΚΛΕΙΣ ΔΑΒΙΔ
7+42 = 49 Omer
74×2 = 148 × 3 [ Samuel Jesse David ] = 444
7 Sentences without 985 Repeition
985+826+257+745+484+513+34+1 = 3845
GELSN 384 × 5 = 1920 Mary 192
GELSON 385 × 4 = 1540 N50/14
1920 + 1540 = 3460
3×4×37+60×37 = 2664 666×4
383 384 385 in 2110 555
2110+555 = 2665 = 2664 + 1
2664 = 666×4 + 37 [ 1 ] = 666×3
1998 + 703 [ 666+37 ] =
2701 Genesis 1:1 37×73
985+826+257+745+484+513+341 = 4151
4151 ≡ 1 + N50 + 14
4151 – 1 + Samuel 377 +
Chapter 16 + Verse 11 [ November 16 ] = 4554
….. 50
.. 40 60 45
32 48 36 54
The Birth of The Eternally Covenanted Davidic Kingdom
“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High [ G3 EL 31 Son 52 = 86 Elohim ] And YHWH Elohim will give to Him the Throne of His father David. and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
Luke 1:32-33
985+826+513+341 = 2665
Pi Digits:
383 384 385 > 2110 555
2110 + 555 = 2665
9×8×5×8×2×6×5×1×3×3×4×1 = 6220800
62 Beni + 20 + 800 = 288
62 Beni + 20 + 80 = 162 Rocha
20/80 Pyramid
257+745+484 = 1486
148×6 888
14 David ×37 [ 518 ] + 86 Elohim × 37 [ 3182 ] = 3700
3700 The Names of the Sons of Jacob
Gelson’s Birth Year 5740 5×740 = 3700
14 David ×37 518
86 Elohim ×37 3182
31×37 GCCR 1147 +
82 [ 1st 17 Pi SUM ] ×37 3034 [ 370 ] =
4181 • 18 14
18×14 = 252 Gelson 72 27
14+18 = 32 [ 1st 17 Pi Digits: 3.14…32
4+2 + 4+2+6 = 18 666
4×2 × 4×2×6 = 384 GELSN
1+3+3 = 7
1×3×3 = 9
18 × 7 = 126 • 37
384 × 9 = 3456 • 36 45 • 36 54
…. 50
.. 40 60 45
32 48 36 54
Harmonic Mountain